New digs

It was an odd request but the people who worked the fibers and leathers into clothes and tents were excited by the challenge. Obviously there wasn't enough pukei pukei feathers to stuff the pillow with but thanks to the over abundance of revoltures that wasn't a big problem. As an added bonus the mass capture and killing of the birds allowed astera to stock up on jerky rations for the field. Still while the orders to bring this project to fruition went out Alex took the meat from the pukei up to the canteen to get it cooked.

As it turned out the monster had an almost identical taste and texture to that of high quality pork which made the chef pleasantly surprised since he was unaware of this before hand. It wasn't that surprising either since hunters almost never brought the meat of a monster back with them from a hunt and instead preferred to butcher the monsters in field for their parts before leaving the rest behind. This resulted in any cook who wasn't a hunter themselves being unaware of the properties of monster flesh. The head chef had actually started a journal specifically on this topic thanks to the fact it was clear that Alex would continue to bring in his kills for cooking.

Alex's habit of bringing unusual ingredients or even whole piles of monster meat had apparently caught on with the active hunters of astera as they too began to bring any interesting plants or meats in for the head chef. Not everything that was brought in was edible for people but the head chef had indeed made great strides in the last couple days from those that were. Alex's favorite was a type of large nut like a cashew but five times larger that was slightly spicy.

For reptiles like Alex eating the things was like giving them hard liquor at a party since it left them intoxicated. While Alex was less affected by it thanks to his traits he still got a good buzz from the things on top of the pleasant flavor. The head chef had specially distilled a new type of ale using the things as a base after grinding them into paste. It was fairly clear that he felt bad for Alex not being able to party with the rest of astera and wanted to fix this.

From the meal Alex was intrigued to see that he got two rewards from eating the pukei pukei. The first was that he generated the [poison resistance] trait however since he already had it his preexisting trait was raised by two levels to five instead. The second reward was the [toxirosys T1] trait he generated AND unlocked thanks to fulfilling it's requirements of possessing at least one poison generation trait. Interestingly though Alex noticed that this trait lacked a level but instead had a tier that could be improved instead. It still had requirements to be improved like if it had a level so he wasn't sure what exactly was the difference.

The commander showed up shortly after Alex finished his meal to inform him that his new nest was officially done. Alex wasted no time at all following the man up the wide path behind the canteen where he found a huge wooden door. Imbedded in the door was a huge metal replica of Alex's head hold a ring in it's mouth obviously there to serve as a handle. The commander pulled the door open revealing the huge cavern that was perfectly square shaped and had a deep pool dug into it in the back right corner.

Besides that however there was literally nothing else in it beside a single large brazier set in the center of the cavern to illuminate the area. Alex excitedly thanked the commander for the wonderful place to live before running off to collect his bedding from his temporary nest. The commander laughed heartily at how excited Alex was about his new accommodations before walking off to inform the rest of Astera of Alex's reaction. He didn't really need to since it was clear to everyone who saw Alex grabbing his stuff how excited he was about it.


NAME: Alex/Obsidian


AGE: 3 months , 4 weeks

Generated traits: Enhanced life span , enhanced heart , variant pyrosis(T5) , venomous tail , elder dragon

Unlocked traits: Herbivore level 1 , Enhanced scales level 2 , Water breathing level max , Heat resistance level 5(max) ,Compact stomach level 3 , Swimming muscles level 1 , Amphibious eyes level 2 , Bone eater level 2 , poison eater level 2 , poison resistance level 5 , Additional limbs: wings level 4 , Fire resistance level 4 , armored scales level 2 , Paralysis resistance level 2 , Thick skin level 2 , enhanced ears level 1 , accelerated healing level1 ,venomous claws level 1, metal eater level 1 , stone eater level 1 , tempered bones level 1 , telescopic sight level 1 , crushing muscles level 1 , earth resistance level 1 , dense muscles level 1 , toxirosys T1

Fused traits: Omnivore level 2 ,lessor flawed dragon body , Apex muscles , incomplete hunter senses level 1

Discovered traits: Carnivore level 1 , Ridged feet level max , Weaponized tail level 1 , night vision level 1 , Sharp claws level 2 , Enhanced brain , Shadow camouflaging


my patrons can read an extra two chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.
