
Much like he had expected a meeting was called shortly after all of astera minus the night shift woke up. "Thanks to the efforts of our scholars and the hunts of the fifth we finally have a lead on zorah magdaros. The elder is apparently set to pass through this area here in exactly one weeks time." the commander said while pointing at a location on a rough map of the new world. "If we want to have any hope of making progress with the elder crossing this may be the only opportunity we have." he said seriously.

One of the resources task managers interjected "surely you aren't suggesting we try and capture the beast right?" he asked hurriedly. "That is exactly what I am suggesting , With the help of obsidian and the fifth I think we may have a real shot to pull this off." the commander said honestly. "Fuck it I'm in! Whatcha thinkin we need for this here endeavor?" The second fleet head said excitedly. The rest of the people at the meeting agreed with the idea as well and soon astera was in full swing preparing for the siege on the massive elder.

The only one who was having second thoughts about the operation was Saya due to her tribes beliefs on elder dragons. Her tribe firmly believed that elder dragons should never be impeded unless it meant the absolute destruction of the ecosystem they maintained. Alex knew that the siege was going to happen anyway so he wasn't surprised , however he noticed that there was no mention of the anjanath problem. He immediately identified this as a temporal ripple caused by his presence in this world and hoped that the changes he makes to the story remain small like this.

'Then again there is a lot about this world in reality that was never seen in the game either so who knows.' Alex thought with a shrug as he got fitted out for some custom made armor at the second fleet masters request. The dark skinned man had suggested it as an extra layer of protection for Alex since he was stilling growing and didn't match up to an old elder dragon like zorah , yet. Normally making such a huge set of armor would be extremely hard thanks to the amount of materials required. But Alex's habit of bringing the entire bodies of his prey back meant there was plenty in storage.

The project had been something the Second fleet master had been working on in his spare time and was mostly complete save for getting fitted properly. The most awkward part was that since Alex had initiated his next growth the day before yesterday he was now a bit too big for the original set of armor the old smith made. The old man shrugged it off as Alex being a growing monster so the change in size was to be expected. Alex finally stopped growing two days after this and now stood at the same size (minus his tail) as a great jagras. It was fairly awkward for him at this point as now his head was set at about seven feet high making him have to look down to make eye contact with most people. If before Alex may have been identified as a juvenile based on his size now most people would assume he was fully grown. Alex's tail had grown close to twenty feet long on it's own but was also noticeably thicker now. The thing that made Alex the most speechless however was that he discovered a trait as from his forehead two small nubs had appeared.

According to the system these were the beginnings of a pair of horns since the trait he discovered was literally called [Two Horns]. The trait actually didn't have any level or tier however it did have a requirement to increase for some reason. To be specific the requirement was for Alex to gain three horn related traits. Alex was allowed to design his horns when he got this trait and basically settled for having them be similar to the kirins horns but with a gentle upwards curve and red color to match the star birthmark on his forehead above them.


my patrons can read an extra two chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.
