Painful recovery

"I see , and recovery?" The commander asked seriously. "Should his regeneration hold throughout his recovery he should be healthy again in about a week , however he will be in pain for most of that time." The medic said honestly. "He's a tough fella , it'll take more than this little setback to stop him." Zain said firmly and everyone nodded. "You heard the man , chin up people we've got work to do!" the commander yelled out at the crowd gathered nearby to listen in. Alex was carefully loaded onto a cart to be brought back to astera in order to recover from his injuries while the samples left behind by zorah and nergigante were collected.

Alex remained comatose for an entire day before his brain recovered enough to allow him consciousness. The first thing that he felt was pain all over his body as the barely fused bones that had been sending pain signals through his nerves finally got a response. 'Did someone get the plate of the truck that hit me?' he thought to make light of the situation because he knew exactly what had happened. 'I got fucking sucker punched is what happened.' Alex huffed angrily but had to stop with a groan of pain.

'I need a potion where's my bag?' Alex thought to himself as he slowly lifted his head off the soft bedding of his nest to look around. It didn't take him long to notice the battered and dirty bag nearby but when he went to use his tail to pull it towards him he froze. Mentally he willed his tail to work like he usually did but when nothing happened he realized immediately that there was a problem. 'THAT BASTARD TOOK MY TAIL!' Alex ignored his injuries and roared in anger subconsciously causing acidic poison to drip from his body.

The entirety of astera heard Alex's roar and knew immediately that he was awake as well as the fact he was pissed. Despite being human once Alex had grown just as attached to his limbs as any person is to their own , no pun intended. Waking up to find out that you had lost one of your most used and powerful limbs would result in anybody being upset at it. Alex eventually calmed down enough to pay attention to the notifications at the edge of his vision from the system and was left speechless.

First he had discovered his bodies innate [tail regrowth] trait that was always there but he had never known about since he had never lost his tail. The second thing was that he had generated and unlocked two different traits [shock absorption] and [hardened bones]. The first drastically increased his bodies ability to take blunt force without damage. While the second increased the durability of his bones by a couple folds making breaking them again much harder. Both of these traits were fused into the [lesser flawed dragon body] trait and improved it to the point the name changed to [greater flawed dragon body].

This didn't even begin to mention the sheer number of levels several of his traits gained added on top of these things. [fire resistance] , [earth resistance] , [thick skin] , [dense muscles] , [tempered bones] , [crushing muscles] and [enhanced heart] each leveled up at least once. three , three , two , three , two , three and two times each respectively resulting in a sharp jump in power. [apex muscles] reached T5 as a result of his muscles growing so much so he was left with the awkwardness of accidentally crushing things he grabbed.

Much like the medic had said it took Alex close to a week to recover from the majority of his injuries but even at this point only a small amount of his tail had regrown. The pain certainly dulled over time but Alex could only suffer through it as his body fixed itself. The worse part in his opinion was the first few days were he was forced to wait for the head chef to send over a whole roasted aptanoth in order for him to fill his stomach. Each of the dreadful things were seasoned with various healing pastes and herbs making them taste bitter and horrible to Alex but he knew it was for his own good and ate them anyways.


NAME: Alex/Obsidian


AGE: 5 months , 1 weeks

Generated traits: variant pyrosis(T6) , elder dragon ,insulated scales , slick scales

Unlocked traits: Herbivore level 1 , Enhanced scales level 4 , Water breathing level max , Heat resistance level 5(max) ,Compact stomach level 3 , Swimming muscles level 3 , Amphibious eyes level 2 , Bone eater level 2 , poison eater level 2 , poison resistance level 5 , Additional limbs: wings level 6 , Fire resistance level 8 , armored scales level 2 , Paralysis resistance level 2 , Thick skin level 4 , enhanced ears level 2 , accelerated healing level1 ,venomous claws level 2, metal eater level 1 , stone eater level 1 , tempered bones level 5 , telescopic sight level 1 , crushing muscles level 6 , earth resistance level 4 , dense muscles level 6 , toxirosys T1 , enhanced life span T1 , enhanced heart level 3 , metallic claws level 1 , venomous tail level 1 , hydrosis T2 , shock absorption level 1 , hardened bones level 1

Fused traits: Omnivore level 2 ,greater flawed dragon body , Apex muscles T5 , incomplete hunter senses level 1

Discovered traits: Carnivore level 1 , Ridged feet level max , Weaponized tail level 2 , night vision level 1 , Sharp claws level 6 , Enhanced brain , Shadow camouflaging , two horns , tail regrowth


my patrons can read an extra two chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.
