Brutal brawl

Velkhana took this opportunity to retreat and while Alex saw this he didn't care as the master rank nergigante held his focus at the moment. He noted that the elder's spikes were halfway black which showed that it was well on it's way to becoming a ruiner variant of it's self. A vicious smile covered his reptilian face as he felt the thrill of a good fight rush through him and taking a deep breath he roared. "ROOOAAAR!" The air shook and the ground rumbled from the sheer intensity of the noise but the nergigante seemed more irritated than anything by it.-

Deciding to act on this irritation the elder charged Alex aggressively leaving deep furrows in the ground from it's claws pushing into it. Alex returned this charge and the two met in the middle with a loud collision followed by what could only be considered extremely violent no holds barred wrestling. Alex and the nergigante pressed against each other trying to force the other back but failing and thus resulting in them moving to the next stage of the brawl , grievous injury. Both raked their claws across the other scales trying to cause as much damage as possible.-

The nergigante failed in this stage as Alex simply had far too many defensive traits by this point making his scales stupid hard to damage. As a result while it's claws caused a small thin cut on Alex that was healed almost immediately afterwards Alex's claws ripped open a seep gash in nergigante's side. Nergigante as a species were stubborn to a fault however and didn't relent in it's attempts to terribly harm Alex. It did not end well for it as each shallow injury it caused not only healed immediately afterwards thanks to Alex's frankly absurd healing ability but was also traded for a deep serious injury on it's own body.-

Having lived long enough to reach this level of strength meant that this nergigante knew when it was outmatched and thus it tried to escape. Alex was having none of this however and grabbed the elder by one of it's legs and violently slammed it into the ground after it tried to take off into the air. He followed this up by punching the elder's large dark horn on the left side of it's head. "CRACK!" The horn shattered from the force and the nergigante screamed in pain a violently thrashed about in order to deal some sort of damage.-

Besides a few bruises and tiny cuts that all healed immediately it failed horribly and Alex decided it was time to end this since it had become clear that besides providing a nice warm up the nergigante failed to provide the thrilling battle he wanted. Holding the violently resisting elder down Alex focused his Tenshou in his throat before breathing out a beam of intense energy right at the Nergigante's head. The elder continued to struggle for a few moments but soon went limp and the beam reached it's brain from the eye socket.-

Alex was fairly satisfied with todays events as he got a nice workout in and got a decent meal out of it. He grabbed the limp corpse and rose into the air with a few flaps of his wings all while noting how heavy the body was. He still considered this pretty normal though as the nergigante species was covered in dense bone spikes literally from head to tail. The people in seliana were left surprised when he arrived and dropped the corpse in the designated area.-

Not only did Alex kill a nergigante but this one was totally different from the previous one they had documented. It was not only nearly three times larger but it's coloration and musculature were much different as well. The more observant people also noticed that a few places on Alex's body had broken scales since he hadn't replaced them yet. This alone proved that the Nergigante was different from the previous one as the strength of Alex's scales was public knowledge at this point. Anything below a certain level of sharpness and force simply slipped right off the side of those scales which was thoroughly tested by Zane and Alex themselves in their rare but epic spars.