Chapter 2

"Sir!" Nessa Wilson walked into Seth's office to inform him that Eugene Norman wants to have dinner with him in the Bronx.

Eugene has been one of Seth's loyal managers, and he helps keep track of what's going on in real estate. "Should I accept the booking?" Nessa looked at Seth as he bottoms his suit.

"Yes sure, tell Eugene I'll have dinner with him, and he should expect me by 3," Seth said with a smile on his face as he walked out of the office

* * *

"Welcome sir" Eugene welcomed Seth with a firm handshake as they walked into Jerk Palace Caribbean, a fancy restaurant close to Riverdale estate.

The waiter greeted them politely and gave them a table, he went to the wine cellar bringing a red wine, and poured it into the wine glass."Thank you" Eugene said as he took a sip.

"Talk to me Eugene," Seth said as he picked up the menu, scanning through the appetizers and entrées.

"Well, someone wants to purchase the building you put up for sale in Riverdale"

"Oh, that was quick," Seth said without any facial expressions

"Yes sir, you are selling that huge amount of land space and building for just $20 million. Anyone would relish the opportunity to get it" Eugene was excited because not every day he gets to have dinner with Seth talking about how well the business is going.

"So who is our patron?"

"Macy King, the manager of the Fashion world," Eugene said picking up his menu.

"Manager? Why the manager? Have you met the CEO?" Seth asked with a confused tone.

"I have a meeting with them today by 4 pm and the CEO is Ava Khalil. A fine looking young lady, I saw her picture while reading sun power magazine, turns out that her company is getting potential clients." He said raising his hand to signal the waiter.

"Ava Khalil? I've never had a fashion company before" Seth took a sip of his wine as he puts down the menu.

"Just say the word boss… I will make her sign a deal in no time!"

"Not yet, just find out more about the company and report back to me," Seth said with a calm and serious tone.

The waiter came over and served their dishes, it only took a few minutes for the dish to be prepared. Seth got baked salmon and jumbo shrimp, while Eugene got a shrimp fajita with lasagna.

* * *

"I am going to make Seth pay" Griffin mumbles to himself as he paced around his room with a bottle of whiskey. He was slowly losing his mind as he thought of ways to eliminate Seth, while pacing around the room a name popped into his head "Angela Rodriguez" he whispers.

Griffin saw Angela in Washington DC during an auction for the Rockefeller emerald whose price starts from $5.5 million.

Angela didn't raise the number until it got to $30 million the Rockefeller emerald isn't the largest emerald in the world or even the largest gem-quality emerald, but it stands out among them all.

Angela was competing against Steven a top-notch business tycoon who collects gemstones for a living, Steven raised the number to $50 million, and everyone in the auction was surprised and wondered if he had that kind of money.

She smiled as she wanted this auction to end as soon as possible. She raised the number to $100 million, Steven chuckled as he raised the number to $500 million.

He was the CEO of 6 different companies in 6 different countries, so he had enough money to spare, and he doesn't really like losing, especially in an auction.

Angela was a bit curious because she hasn't met this type of tycoon who was willing to spend $500 million for a gemstone you can get for just $5.5 million.

Angela was a bit pissed because she as a business meeting to attend, and this shithead was wasting her time.

"$ 1 billion!" she stood up from her seat and shouted. Everyone turned their heads in astounded as they saw that it was the great Angela Rodriguez, USA's finest baller.

Steven felt a cold chill down his spine because Angela can bring down his company just by making a phone call.

"$ 1 billion going once, going twice, sold!" The auctioneer said and hit the gavel.

Everyone applauded as Angela followed the ring men backstage to pay for the Rockefeller, but just as she was about to bring out her credit card, Steven walks in

"Please let me!" He said as he gave the ring man his credit card.

"You don't have to," Angela said looking Steven in the eyes. He smiled as he apologized for causing her any trouble.

"Transaction complete," the Ring man said, giving Steven back his card.

"Good… Have one of your boys put it in my car, I'll be on my way out!" Angela said as she gave Steven a warm smile.

She walked to the parking lot and got into her Mercedes, before Griffin could summon up the courage to have a chat with her, she zoomed off.

If Angela could make Steven break a sweat on his face without saying a word, Griffin knew she was someone you should never offend.

* * *

Ava and Macy drove to Riverdale for the business meeting with Eugene. Ava couldn't believe that she made it this far, despite her dad's opinion that fashion won't get you anywhere in life.

Mr. Khalil was a business tycoon who made his way up to the Forbes list and wanted Ava to be a part of the family business.

But she refused and ran away after finishing college at Harvard. Ava came to New York City for a new beginning, this time she promised herself not to ask her dad for help in any way.

She wanted to prove to him that she can make it with or without his help.

"We are here!" Macy said as she took a left turn. Riverdale was a great place to start if you're considering expanding a business – once you set up a branch here you'll get more sales than you can imagine, but the rent here is expensive. Luckily, Ava, she as more than enough money to purchase a building.

"Welcome!" Eugene said with a smile on his face as Ava and Macy walked towards the building. He wore a red suit with a black tie, and Macy introduced Ava to Eugene as the CEO of the fashion world.

Eugene had this lustful stare on Ava, but he didn't say a word, instead, he gave her a firm handshake as he took them on a tour around the building.

Macy was the one asking the questions while Ava was listening attentively to every detail, Eugene showed them the in and out, the good and bad side of the building that needs repairs, but it won't cost them much.

Ava and Macy accepted to buy the building after transferring $10 million to Eugene, he told them that the documents while be sent over to them in ten days and after signing the documents he'll get the remaining $10 million.

"Ms. Ava?" Eugene called out to Ava as she walked towards the car.

"Yes, Mr. Eugene?" Ava said, facing Eugene.

"Have seen your company in so many magazines, and I am impressed… How did you manage to pull it off?"

"Hard work Mr. Eugene, once you're determined you can achieve almost everything," Ava said with a calm tone.

"Well, my boss would love to meet you someday… Hope one day you'll come and be partners with us. Then your company can reach its full potential in no time" Eugene said with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Eugene, but I don't think I'll be signing any partnership deals for a long time… Have a nice day sir" Ava said as she opened the car door and zoomed off.

"One day you'll come knocking on our door, Ms. Ava..... One day" Eugene whispered to himself.

"What was that about?" Macy asked as she kept her eyes on the road. Ava explained everything and they both laughed it off because there's no way they'll be signing a deal anytime soon, after what happened with Travis Dickson they have been on the lookout for every con man.

"Am hungry!" Ava whined as she made her adorable puppy dog eyes.

"Burritos?" Macy suggested.

"Burritos!" Ava said as she nodded her head in agreement.

* * *

"Fashion world… Interesting" Angel Rodriguez said as she opened Boomerang Businessweek magazine.

She admired the work that Ava put into the company and wondered why she hadn't had a fashion company before, it looks like a good investment that will make her lots of money.

Angela is 27 years old – grew up in France with her grandmother. She never got to meet her parents because they died in a plane crash while returning home from a business meeting.

Angela's dad signed his property in her name and when she was 18 she can take over the family business, which she did.

She promised to finish what her parents started, and with years of hard work – Angela became the best business tycoon in the USA.

She doesn't only have the money, but the connections that can get her what she wants and where she wants it.

"I want it!" Angela slammed the magazine on her manager's desk as she points to a building in it that says "Fashion World"!

"Is it for sale, ma'am?" The manager said with a frightened voice.

"Of course not, I need you to go over there and tell them I would like to buy the company, they should name their price!" Angela said in a serious tone.

"What if they refused?"

"I only ask once and if they refuse, I need you to block the company's account, call the bank managers, goddamn it… Wells Fargo, BOA, Chase, Robbin hood. Call them all and tell them to freeze fashion world accounts, including the CEO Ava and her manager account. Do you understand me?" Angela said with a smile on her face as her manager nods his head nervously in agreement.