First glimpse into the Depths (1)

Seraphir opened the first page, which revealed a long text that revealed the book's name and author and described its contents.

It was a diary about a girl named 'Serena Knightwalker', a human girl, and her adventures in the Academy of 'Sylpheon'.

'Serena Knightwalker...wasn't Knightwalker the family name of one of the duke families of the Empire? However, I never heard of the name 'Serena Knightwalker'. Still, Serena is a name that seems familiar, but I just cannot put my finger on why it seems so familiar...'

Seraphir looked down at the book again. Her fingers were stroking the pages of the books gently.

'How old must this book be? I can't remember ever hearing of a 'Serena Knightwalker' in my lifetime. It seems like she also went to Sylpheon. Well, if I get lucky, maybe I could steal some test answers from her.'

A slight and sinister grin appeared on her face at that thought. That would mean less time studying and more time training her magic.

However, that wasn't the thing she should've been focussing on right now. Right in front of her was a mysterious book that could maybe give her a hint on how to progress her magic skills.

She then flipped the page.

And then another one.

And then another one.

As soon as she started reading the book's pages, she just couldn't stop reading.

The book included a variety of content, ranging from stories of Serena's time at Sylpheon to different magic formulas, theories, and ideas that would shake up her whole view of magic.

Sure, they weren't really fleshed out in the diary, but Seraphir could already see the theories, that Serena suggested all made sense, and the diary's evidence proved that.

"That girl...she's a genius."

Seraphir couldn't believe she had never heard of 'Serena Knightwalker' before. That girl was a genius—a true prodigy.

Even though Seraphir was praised as a genius by everyone due to her creativity and large mana capacities, she couldn't compare herself to Serena Knightwalker. That girl was just on another level.

She wondered if she would meet the author of the diary someday. She wanted to ask her about her theories and hear Serena's thoughts about her own theories.

By reading the diary alone, she developed large respect for Serena. In addition to that, due to reading about her point of view of her life in Sylpheon, she bonded a little with the girl.

Serena was a cheerful and energetic girl. Seraphir was sure that they would have been great friends if they had known each other.

"Serena Knightwalker..."

She lifted the book and pressed her forehead against the book cover while daydreaming about meeting this genius magician.

"...I wanna meet you."

Wait. Her admiration was interrupted as she realized something. What time is it?

'Shit, I was so immersed in the book that I forgot that I was supposed to wait for Ellen!'

She immediately ran to the fences of the second floor and looked down, searching for someone, anyone, that was still in the shop, as the usually lively shop was now filled with pure silence.

The only thing sound that previously occurred in the shop were the sounds of her breath and her steps.

The shop was entirely empty.

No one could be seen.

Well, almost.

The shop would've been empty if it hadn't been for a single person standing at the door with their arms crossed behind their back and their head facing the windows.

At first, Seraphir thought they were a woman due to their long, black hair that was neatly tied into a small ponytail behind his head.

However, it didn't take very long for her to identify the gender of the person. It was a man. While she wouldn't say he was very tall, he definitely had an athletic build with broad shoulders.

The man was wearing a long, black coat that looked like it was very expensive and white gloves that contrasted the color of his coat. Although the outfit looked expensive, it didn't look too fancy.

Although she couldn't see his face, he gave off a very specific aura. He had that kind of aura that wanted you to make him acknowledge him.

It was kind of like a calm, icy, but also very delicate vibe. Seraphir couldn't exactly describe what kind of energy the man gave off.

He just Kind of like her homeplace even.

"Excuse me, Sir."

Seraphir called out to him. However, the man didn't show any signs of reaction. Despite that, Seraphir continued.

"Do you perhaps know where everyone else went? Or did they already close the shop?"

For a few seconds, there was nothing but silence.

"Yes, and no."

The man slowly turned his head to her, revealing his face.


That was the first thought that occurred in her mind when she saw the face of the man. It wasn't a thought that originated from any feelings but simply an observation that she made.

The man looked unreal.

His sharp jawline and his pale, snowy skin that contrasts his obsidian black hair just looked beautiful. In addition to that, his sharp glare combined with his striking grey eyes and rosy lips just added to his looks, making him look like a charming prince from a children's book.

She had to admit that this person was, quite frankly, the most beautiful man she had ever met. Even the most popular guys at her Academy couldn't even dream of even being a fraction as good-looking as he is.

It's almost like he originated from the Depths himself. A beauty that contradicts everything that should've been possible.

"It seems like the 'Cult of the Umbral' has infiltrated this place to either get something from here or kidnap someone."