First glimpse into the Depths (5)


The Hunter screamed in anger and frustration as Mr Voidwalker dodged another one of his attacks.

"Tip Number one: Hunters are bad fighters. They always pick the weapon that looks the shiniest and never try to master them."

Seraphir watched in awe as the man in front of her easily outmaneuvered the Hunter's attacks while trying to teach her how to fight such a monster.

The grace and elegance he held while fighting made it look easy. His movements were minimal, and every move had a meaning.

She might not know who that man was, but one thing she did know: don't ever mess with him.

She had seen many swordsmen and women sparring against each other in the past. Many of them were masters at their respective sword styles.

However, none of them even came close to the kind of swordsmanship that Mr Voidwalker utilized.

If the sword fighters of her past were masters, then this man was nothing short of perfection.

The pinnacle of swordsmanship.

The way he fought didn't even look like a battle. It seemed more like a beautiful dance, and he was the principal dancer, leading his partner through the act.


Was the only thing that she could say at the sight of the inhuman display of skill.

"Tip number two: their bad mastery makes them vulnerable to counterattacks. Take advantage of that."

Mr Voidwalker continued as he deflected the Hunter's sword once again. However, this time, instead of merely dodging and parrying the attack, he now smoothly flowed from deflecting the sword to initiating an attack.

The Hunter, of course, didn't have the time to respond to such a move, and so-


-it was sliced in half, along with the armor.

"And lastly, the third tip: Hunters have a weak durability. One clean hit is enough to finish them."

Mr Voidwalker finished explaining as he swung his sword one last time, trying to shake off the blood from his blade.

As her eyes followed the blade, she realized one thing. There was no blade.

Well, there was one, but...

'It's invisible.'

His sword was entirely invisible.

Seraphir shook her head once again, trying to see if she was dreaming.

But the result didn't change. The blade really was invisible.

'Just who is he?'

Mr Voidwalker turned around, his face turning in her direction.

"Did you get it?"

He asked nonchalantly as he let his sword disappear in purple particles with a quick hand motion.

"I guess so...but why did you even make the effort to teach that to me, to begin with?

Mr Voidwalker looked at her in response, seemingly thinking for a while as he put his hand on his chin.

"As practice probably."

Seraphir raised an eyebrow. As practice? What was that supposed to mean?

"Anyway, this isn't the important thing right now. We should go and save Ellen!"

Seraphir shook her head before emphasizing what the initial goal of their journey to the depths was again.

Mr Voidwalker nodded in response.

"Yes, you're right. However..."

He turned his head around, looking back into the far distance.

" seems like the Hunter wasn't the only one of its kind that wants us."

Seraphir looked down, putting her face into her hands in desperation.

"We really don't have time for them! Why are they coming now?!"


Mr Voidwalker agreed as he looked down. Even though he was physically present, it didn't seem like he was mentally there.

He was probably lost in thoughts.

"I have an Idea."

He then said as he approached her, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her off the ground, carrying her in bridal style.

"You will open the path for us to them and I will run. This way, we'll avoid the monsters and save time."

"...Yes." She responded weakly. Her ears were red as she was slightly embarrassed about the situation that she was in.

However, she didn't have the time to complain about such minor things right now, so she chose to keep her mouth shut.


He asked, readjusting his grab on her body slightly to reduce the chances of her slipping out of his arms while falling.


Seraphir nodded her head.

Mr Voidwalker didn't take long to react as he immediately began to sprint...


...creating a double sonic boom in the process.