Fenriswolf (2)

"A what?"

The girls asked in unison, almost at the exact same time. An expression of cluelessness was written on their faces.

"A Fenriswolf." I took my sword out of my storage again. "A giant wolf with enormous power and high intelligence. Its fangs are said to be able to rip anything apart. "

Even though that was quite an overstatement, its fangs were certainly sharp. Sharp enough to kill a majority of humans with a single bite, at least.

Although that wasn't the reason why I was so worried about the situation now.

'There are too many people here.'

It was the speed.

Due to the sheer speed of a Fenriswolf, it would be nigh-impossible to save everyone present.

Thus, it was more intelligent to focus on your own life first.

After all, heroism raises your chance of dying by a magnitude of times. Probably even a gruesome and painful death in the most cases.

I looked over at the girls.

Even though I wouldn't particularly call myself a hero, I felt a responsibility to save their lives.

Although, it wasn't because I truly cared about them, but more because I didn't want a full on war with the elves and the humans to happen.

And if the devil heiress dies too, worst-case scenario, the devils would also get involved.

And after that, it won't take much for the great war to happen again.

'I knew there was something weird about this.'

When we entered the Depths, I already knew something was up.

When entering the depths, you will wake up at a random spot in the first layer of the Depths. However, that does not mean that you will come out at a random place too.

You'll leave the Depths at the place you entered, which in turn meant that using the Depths as an escape or kidnap tool was not a very good idea.

On the contrary, the plan would be very idiotic.

If the armed forces were to just wait at the place, you used to enter the place, they would eventually get you when you get out.

Or in other words: kidnapping an entire shop with the Elven princess and escaping into the Depths didn't make any sense.

'I get it now.'

Kidnapping her wasn't the goal in the first place.

It was to kill her and start a war.

If the Elves were to learn about their eldest daughter dying by human hands while being in an Empire that is reigned by humans, conflicts would arise.

There was one thing I still didn't understand, though.


It seemed like everybody present was doomed to die as the place, where the members of the cult waited for their reinforcement to retrieve them, was near the territory of a Fenriswolf.

It would only be a matter of time until the Fenriswolf would notice them. Their sense of smell was extraordinary to put it nicely.

Fenriswolfs are rare, even in the Depths.

Calling it an unlucky encounter would be possible, but I didn't believe in those coincidences.

I was convinced that everything was planned.

"Mr. Voidwalker." My thought process got interrupted by the voice of Seraphir. "Can you buy us some time? It will take a while to free everyone around here."

I glanced over at her. An expression that showcased the extent of her determination could be seen on her face.

I nodded.


Just a little bit of distraction would be something that I could do.

"Miss Leviathan, please accompany those people out of the Depths. You should know how to find the exit by now."



"Miss Leviathan, please accompany those people out of the Depths. You should know how to find the exit by now."

Seraphir only nodded as a response. She could've guessed why he wanted her to accompany everyone else out.

'We are probably hindrances to him.'

Even though she didn't know Mr. Voidwalker for long, she instinctively felt an unshakable trust in the competence of that man.

"But wouldn't we be leaving you alone, then?" Ellen was a little hesitant to follow his idea and just exit the Depths without the guy that was willing to risk their lives for them.

'He really is a good person.'

Ellen didn't expect much from men in general, especially human men. Thus, she was surprised as the man was willing to stay back to buy them sometime.

"No, it would be best if I stayed." The man didn't even turn his head around to look at them. Ellen nodded in understanding.

'He must be scared too,'

After all, a Fenriswolf sounded like a powerful beast. Even the mightiest of warriors would probably feel hesitant to fight one alone.

"It's okay, Ellen. We should hurry up."

Seraphir already freed some people while Ellen just stood there and contemplated about their decision. Ellen looked at Seraphir's face as she approached her.

Seraphir looked like always.

It didn't seem it was affecting her in any way.

-Hey!Free me first.

-No, me!I have kids waiting at home for me!

The voices of the other captives were chattering in the background. They've been talking and shouting very loudly for a while now, but Ellen, Seraphir and especially Voidwalker just ignored them.

The captives didn't say anything useful and concentrating on what they had to say was a waste of time, especially in such a situation.

"Shut up." Seraphir glared at the other captives. Her shining blue eyes glimmering with a dangerous, icy intent. "You are annoying. We will be freeing all of you, so just shut your mouths and wait for your turn."

-Who do you think you're talking to?!

-Yeah, you're just a little girl!


The voices started to get louder, visibly offended by Seraphir's words.

It didn't take long before the voices got silenced.

The surrounding air started to get chilly and oppressive as Seraphir slowly let some of her mana leak out to the surroundings.

Instantly, everyone quiet down, scared of the devil.

"Good. Now stay quiet like this."

Ellen didn't react to Seraphir's antics. She was already used to how she treated people.

Seraphir could act like whatever she wanted as she didn't have an specific image to uphold.

In the devil society, power was everything that mattered. As long as you had power, it didn't matter how you acted.

"Aren't you worried about Mr.Voidwalker?" Ellen asked as she freed another captive.

"No, not really." Seraphir's voice was nonchalant. She acted like nothing happened and the situation was just a normal day. "Are you? It is unusual to see you so worried about someone:"

"Of course I am! We are in the Depths, after all..."

Seraphir chuckled lightly, her eyes not even glancing at Ellen.

"Don't worry." Seraphir set off to free someone else. "He got this."

"Why do you think that?"

Seraphir paused for a short while, putting her head onto her chin. Then, slowly, a small smile appeared on her face.

"Let's just call it...a devil's intuition."

"Is that so..." The trust that was audible in her voice surprised Ellen. She turned her head again, looking for the man, that they were talking about.


He was nowhere to be seen.

Silently disappearing.