Connoisseur of madness

For most of her childhood, all Airi could remember was battles and quarrels, then more battles and a little bit more quarrels. All of which kept her in an endless loop of sadness.

Her father, Basier hated war and everything it stood for but then again he married the daughter of one of Vancrest's founders. Her mother on the other hand was Filla, she could be called a god of war if you called the one-sided battles she fought "war".

With grace and sheer amounts of violence, Filla decimated her enemies in battle and with grace and sheer prominence in the kitchen Basier made meals that would please even the gods.

The two had divorced when Airi was six, Basier wanted to move to Leigrix where it was much safer and Filla wanted her child to be the next god of war. Basier didn't want Filla to lead a life she didn't have a say in but after Ansu came into the discussion. Not even Basier had a say.

"She's a child, she loves apples and dolls! not war!" Basier shouted as he wiped a counter.

"Calm yourself Basier, you know nothing of what the child wants." Ansu was in the house of her daughter arguing with her husband.

"An endless loop of violence against daemons that may one day claim her life the same way it did Junhiem."

"You shall not speak about my husband!" Ansu hit her hand on the wall and it went through. "He was cornered, and even with his last breath he saved us all."

"So that's what you want. For Airi to die a "Glorious" death." Basier shrugged.

"That's enough, both of you." Filla walked past Basier, and through the door. "Basier, I'm staying in Vancrest. Not that I want our child to die, but because in Vancrest I can truly protect her."

"You're taking her side... That's how you've always been, you fucking bitch."

Ansu grabbed Basier and slammed him against the wall. "You insult my daughter and I'll bury you myself."

"Fine, I love Filla and I love Airi but this... this won't work."

"Then leave, nothing's stopping you."

Basier had no more words for Ansu, the next day he packed his belongings and went to Nox. Although Filla went to visit it, she didn't see him. Matter of fact, no one had seen him. Basier was later found in a river. Turned out he had committed suicide, or at least that's what the locals say.

Airi unhooked the weapon from her back, she had found it in her father's storage locker. The old shotgun was created and enchanted by a prominent craftsman, it had a note attached to it. Basier wanted to give it to Airi for her fourteenth birthday but he... he never could.

"Flightless moon." Airi handled the shotgun with one hand. "Stay behind me Igor, can't have Liric getting mad at me."

"That's the plan."

"Hunters?" One of the titan classes said.

"I'm an A-rank hunter, Airi Greaves. Wielder of the flightless moon." Airi remembered Basier for a second, the man cradled her and put her to sleep. "Thank you, father."

The five titan classes charged at her, casting spells with moderate acts. Airi smiled as she dodged each attack like a ballerina in a play. She phased through the daemons humming as she killed them with her shotgun.

One ran toward her from her blind spot and she noticed using her gift, even though she agreed with her father's side of the argument. She knew what she was, she wasn't a chef, she wasn't a housewife, she was an ender of lives. She was a god of war. Airi whistled as she turned her arm backward, blasting the daemon that came behind her with a barrage of lead.

Igor watched from afar, Airi was a different person in this fight. Blood splashed on her but she was happy, she enjoyed it. This... This was her element.

"C'mon titan classes! is that all you got!!!"

[Battle magic act five: Earthen grave], the last daemon cast an act that created spears of earth to impale Airi. "YES! YES!" Airi shouted as she shot the spears as they formed. The weapon created bullets from the mana of the user and had five forms that could be used at any time. [Flightless moon form 2: Speed], changing the property of the shotgun Airi shot at the daemon with bullets that moved twice as fast. Each shot, aimed at the heart.

Airi stood in a pile of corpses, hand on the trigger, smile on her face. At this moment she was no different from a mad person but for some reason. With blood splattered on her clothes and body, Igor saw past the red and gazed at her. "Beautiful"

"Let's head back," Airi wrapped the shotgun in cloth and latched it onto her back once more.

"That was... something." Igor said as he gave her a handkerchief.

"That's how I am when I'm fighting, runs in the family."

"What a fucked up family." Igor thought to himself.

"One more daemon," Airi said as she put her hand on the weapon.


"Right beside me."

Igor looked to his left and then to his right, but he saw nothing. Perhaps Airi could feel something he couldn't, that would explain how she found him at Liric's house that or Liric just told her. "Wait, when you say daemon."

Airi slapped him on the back and laughed. "Just playing with you."

"Wasnt a very practical joke."

Airi laughed while cleaning the blood on her face, the two had a conversation while heading back to Vancrest.

"Well, dropped you off in one piece and my job here is done see ya later." Airi said as she left, heading toward the commission center.

"You didn't clean all the-" Igor tried to warn Airi about the blood all over her clothes, but it seemed like she didn't care. Probably a regular Tuesday for her.

"God am I tired, gotta rest before the mock battles." Igor said while walking toward the dorms.

He knocked on the door and waited an additional minute before entering. Sven sat down on a chair, reading a book and not caring about his surroundings. It would seem he was unaware of Igor's entrance. Well, until he was.

"Oh, hey Igor." Sven said as he dropped the book. "Heard you almost got killed, sorry about your team though."

"Yeah," Igor walked through, heading to his room but stopped immediately after Sven spoke.

"You have a match, against the Altrathor."


"Yep, won't be an easy match."

"It never is. What about yours?"



"Yep, I'll try my best that's for sure but I don't see myself winning him."

"You got this!"

"Thanks Igor, now head on over to your room. You gotta be tired."

"Goodnight Sven."


A calm breeze rushed through Vancrest shaking the trees and moving the water, and there Osiris along with the rest of the daemons stood at the foot of Vancrest. Their forces divided between Rosso Horizon and here, on Tuesday. A full-scale attack would break out, terror in the nation.

"During their grand spectacle of an exam, we shall attack. By dividing their forces between here and Rosso Horizon. We'll grab Igor once they start to panic." Osiris walked into Vancrest, and then into the house of a woman. Which he slaughtered once she opened the door.