The mock exams part 1

It was finally the day of the mock exams, the exams spanned over two days with the first selection of matches to take place over the course over the morning and the second round the afternoon. Flores, Ten and Airi were already in position. Everything was set.

First round(Matches)

Leonard hollowhound Vs Otto Jacquard.

Ashae Haldia vs Luna Hermione

Emma Kilforhlm vs Willow Roosevelt.

Sven Ianbris vs Mael Ianbris

Second round(Matches)

Draco'nel Drauvagast vs C rank hunter.

Micah Deux'raal vs Everest Wallflower.

Hiakam Sinvow vs Taera Inazuma.

Igor Dragonstead vs Hex Altrathor.

The mock exams took place in the Zenloft this time, later in the week they were debriefed outside it but now they were about to fight in it. The mock exams would promote anybody who won but also tally the points of the losers to see if they can also be promoted to C rank as well.

The first selection matches had begun and C rank, B rank and A rank hunters stood on the Zenloft's side-by-side perches. Watching the battle from above. Val Hiede an A rank hunter was the moderator of the bouts, laying down the rules and stopping the matches immediately after he found a winner.

"These are the rules," Val said as he looked at the D ranks. "You're aiming to dominate, not kill. Killing your opponent will result in points deducted. Start!"

Leonard charged at Otto, everyone from the stands knew how this match would go. Leonard was a believer of Alto and a pacifist but even he would let go of his peaceful ways when he needs to progress. Otto wasn't all that shabby either but if you knew anything about the Jacquard clan. Well, you'd know that they lack experience.

[Support magic act four: Recreation reverie], Leonard used a spell he created along with the members of his clan. The Hollowhound clan is a clan that believes silence is the best answer, modern-day ninjas. After they complete their quota on any task they stop working till they are called up again.

The spell invaded Otto's mind instantly recreating the current situation inside his head. The entirety of the zenloft and everyone inside it playing inside Otto's head. An illusion.

[Battle magic act three: Fiery trust], using the back of his sword to avoid killing him Leonard dashed at Otto and hit him in the gut with a blaze of fire accompanying it.

Illusion magic was very effective if done in conditions where the opponent wasn't aware of the switch, In Otto's illusion he noticed something. Before the exam started noise could be heard outside in Vancrest. Many people came to request and sometimes they lodge into one of the many hotels around Vancrest. However, for some reason all the sounds had stopped.

Illusion magic was very effective however if you know you are in an illusion breaking it would be extremely easy. By concentrating mana into his head the illusion was expelled and Otto saw Leonard charging at him with the back of his blade.

[Battle magic act three: Earthen crust], creating an armor of rock the back trust and blazing fire that accompanied it were ineffective and Leonard dodged backward. Putting him in another illusion would be ineffective as he already knows how to dispel the technique.

[Support magic act six: Twin clone], creating a twin clone of himself both Leonard and the clone rushed at Otto.

"Twin clone huh, the Hollowhound's sure are crafty," Liric said whilst next to Emirus.

"He's being tactical but also reckless at the same time. Twin clone can only be used by an act five worth of mana or more. The more the mana the stronger the clone." Emirus said also looking at the bout.

"He has a big enough mana pool, so what's the problem?" Vaneer, an A-rank hunter who could hear their conversation joined in.

"You'll see." Emirus looked closely at Otto.

Otto joined Vancrest on a whim, he wanted money sure but he never needed it. He came here looking for a purpose and he found one. He wants to spend time with his friends and to that end, he would do anything. Even unleash his gift.

[Battle magic act seven: Shadow garden: Ground cage], yang magic wasn't banned from usage in Vancrest but common sense will tell you not to use it. Yang magic takes something from you each time you use it, it could shorten your overall mana pocket or sometimes even a little bit of your lifespan. However, no one could deny its effectiveness.

Using the two shadows the clone and Leonard created Otto joined both their shadows together binding both of them in a shadow seal from which they couldn't escape. However this wasn't his gift, yang and yin could be attained at any point in time unlike the other seven elements that you would attain before adulthood.

"Drop it." Both Leonard's dropped their weapons. This was Otto's actual gift "Control" however there were a lot of drawbacks, he could only control someone close to him and the voice control could be evaded. His control gift wasn't absolute, if you didn't want to listen you could easily choose not to but when you're in a seal trapped like a rabbit. All your focus would be on your opponent. "Go closer"

Both Leonard's walked forward still bound in the seal unable to move of their own accord. "Punch." Immediately after the command was given both Leonard and his clone began punching each other. Hit, Hit, Hit, Hit, Hit, Until one of them started bleeding. Support magic acts wouldn't dispel unless they are completely destroyed but even so, the only way for the clone to disappear would be for Leonard to make the command.

"So his clone was used against him, shadow control only works with a big enough shadow. You can't bind someone using only his own shadow." Vaneer said shocked. "Plus his gift seems very useful."

"The match's over, the underdog won." Raizel, another A rank said with a dull tone. "Who would've expected the Jacquard to win."

"The match's not over yet." Liric said while looking at both combatants.

"Surely you're not serious." Vaneer laughed. "He's gonna beat himself till he goes unconscious."

"That's why the match isn't over." Emirus laughed at Vaneer. "If his gift could work that flawlessly he wouldn't have bound them to use it."

"A drawback?" Yuki, An A rank as well as the leader of one of the more popular A rank teams entered the zenloft and joined the conversation as well. "What exactly do you mean Emirus."

"Just watch and see losers." Emirus stared at the match intensely.

Otto looked at Val to see if he had ended the match but the A rank didn't make a move. "Punch harder."

The two men stopped hitting each other. Blood spilled all over the clothes and faces but the match wasn't over.

"Punch harder!" Otto commanded but then he realized why his gift wasn't working. "They aren't listening."

Both Leonard and his clone stood there bound to the shadow cage but would no longer move according to Otto's commands.

"One more hit," Otto undid the shadow bind. He could cast another spell with it on but since the technique was still active if he cast another the toll on his body would be doubled but it didn't necessarily matter since Leonard was almost out.

[Battle magic act two: Rock barrage], creating a barrage of stones he fired them at both Leonard and his clone.

"Dispel." The clone instantly disappeared and so did Leonard. Otto looked at the clone for one second and immediately he looked away. Leonard was gone. He didn't like this feeling, it felt like peril was near but it wasn't in sight. [Battle magic act three: Earthen crust], again he covered himself in a body of rock-solid armor. Looking around for Leonard until he heard lightning sparking behind him.

[Battle magic act fifteen: Charge breaker], Putting all of his mana into one spell Leonard stood slightly crouched with his arms in front. "That armors gonna break... And so are you!"

He used his arms to rip through the wind and immediately he vanished again, Otto couldn't see Leonard move but he could feel attacks on his armor. Attacks came with a flash of lightning as they struck him. The rock-solid armor was split into pieces and before Otto could cast the spell again a barrage of attacks hit him with what seemed like no restraint.

Leonard was angry at himself for taking it easy on Otto at first, he underestimated his opponent and he paid for it but he wouldn't lose. "You should've made me stab myself." Leonard said as he delivered the final punch to Otto knocking the Jacquard out.

"Winner of the first match, Leonard Hollowhound." Val said as the medical team took Otto out of the premises.

"The first C rank from the batch, are you gonna promote the Jacquard? his skills and gift are quite nice. He would've won if he didn't assume his opponent was already finished." Vaneer asked Emirus.

"I'll see to these decisions later, Gladius!" Emirus turned toward Liric.

"Yes sir." Gladius who was behind Emirus responded.

"Is everything alright at Rosso Horizon?"

"Yes sir. No traces of any daemons."

Emirus nodded and Liric did the same. Both of them at the same almost in unison had the same thought. "The daemons are already in."