
A/N: Hii everyone this is my first time writing and I hope you'd support me!! You can give me power stones too if you'd like, so I know you're interested <3 Please correct me if there's any grammar mistakes, happy reading <33


"PLEASE! Don't take her!" she begged as she let out a scream right after.

"P-please.. l-let her go.." she stuttered.

She got on her knees begging for them to not take her younger sister away. "ей всего пять.." she muttered. (ей всего пять = she's only five)

"You were a lot younger" answered a voice with a Russian accent.

She was pushed aside and fell to the ground unconscious.

She woke up in fear and hurry, she was covered in cold sweat. She was rapidly breathing as she checked her surroundings to see where she was. "Another nightmare?" asked a strange voice.

She nodded as she let out a sigh.

"Well get up and wash up, we gotta prepare for our next mission" said the mysterious voice.

"Yeah, I know Steve." She replied.

Turns out the mysterious voice belongs to Steve Rogers. The one and only Captain America.

"Don't let it get to your head Romanoff" he said as he walked out of Natasha's room.

"I know, I know" she replied under her breath.

She quickly went to wash up and head down to the lounge area where everyone was gathered.

"There is our favourite agent!" Said a guy sarcastically.

"Why are you in your suit Tony?" Natasha asked.

"It's not a question of why, it's a question of why not?" Tony replied.

Natasha looked at her best friend Clint in confusion.

"I've assigned the tasks boss" Said a voice breaking the long silence.

"I'm not the boss, he's the boss I just pay for everything and make everything look pretty" Tony replied with sarcasm as he walked off.

While walking off he realised he had forgotten something, he stopped and turned "Ohh uhm and the toilet in the training room is clogged, incase you didn't know" he said as he turn and continue to walk away.

Everyone in the lounge room looked at each other confused and just brushed it off and walked away.

Natasha walked into the weapons room and see Steve getting his weapons ready, she walked towards him "You seemed miserable for a guy that was frozen in ice, what happened?" she asked teasingly.

"The mission was supposed to be exciting but I got you as my partner, so it's no longer exciting" he answered sarcastically.

"Well that's a pity, but getting a widow as a partner is way better then getting a fossil" she replied with a smirk on her face.

Steve just smiled and rolled his eyes and got his weapons ready. Natasha quickly prepared her weapons for the mission and left.

She went back to her room and just sat down on her bed staring into blank space, thinking about the nightmare she had. Without her realising, a tear rolled down her face. She was so traumatised with anything that had to do with the red room. As she was zoning out she heard her name being called.

"Romanoff? Agent Romanoff?" The husky voice called out to her.

In a hurry she quickly wiped her tears and left her room. "Yes Nick I'm here" she answered.

The husky voice calling to her was actually Nick Fury the guy who recruited her and suggested her into joining the Avengers as she's one of the deadliest assassin around the world. "Everyone is heading to LaGuardia Airport your driver's downstairs waiting for you" he said as he left and proceed to go downstairs.

She quickly got her things and head downstairs. When she reach the carports , there was a car waiting for her, a McLaren P1. She got in and see a rather familiar looking person driving the car. "Good afternoon ma'am, how are you?" The mysterious girl asked.

"I'm good, thanks for asking" Natasha replied with a soft smile.

As Natasha was awkwardly thinking of a question to ask, the mysterious girl was looking at Natasha through the rear view mirror with a small grin. The girl looked away as she realised Natasha was going to turn her head to face her.

"So how long have you been working as a driver?" Natasha asked.

"Just recently" replied the girl with a smirk as she pressed on the gas.

"I feel like I've seen her before, back in my training years, but she hasn't aged a bit" Nat thought to herself as she looked out the window zoning out.

Minutes that felt like seconds went by, "We have arrived at LaGuardia Airport Ma'am" said the girl who was driving the McLaren P1.

Natasha got out of the car and walked into the airport, she stood near the airport entrance awkwardly.

"Don't you Avengers always take your expensive mini airplane" A voice with a Russian accent said.

She turned around to see who it was, and it was her sister, Yelena, Yelena Belova. Without hesitation she rushed in for a hug. "How have you been?" She asked.

"Besides bleeding to death I've never been better" Yelena answered with a giggle at the end.

"What are you doing here?" Natasha asked.

"Just came to say goodbye to you" Yelena replied.

As the sisters were catching up, the mysterious McLaren P1 driver came. "Sorry to break the cute little moment, but we've got to get going" said the McLaren P1 driver.

"Береги себя" Natasha said with tears filling up her eyes. (Береги себя = Take care of yourself)

"Я буду" Yelena replied with a smile on her face. (Я буду = I will)

Natasha gave Yelena one last hug before she walked off. Yelena smiled and waved sister goodbye.

"So are you like a personal assistant?" Natasha asked the girl.

She just shrugged her shoulders and took Natasha's suitcase and walked off to the bag weighting area. Natasha just shook her head and walk over to her teammates who's sitting down just by the café.

"Hey fellas" she greeted them.

"There's our Triple Imposter" Tony replied.

Natasha rolled her eyes. "Where's Fury?" She asked.

"Out and about, here drink up you'll need a lot of caffeine" Tony replied.

As Natasha was about to take the coffee from Tony she hears Fury talking. "Is everyone here?" Fury asked.

Natasha nodded her head as a sign of answering yes to Fury's question.

"Listen up everyone, we have a new recruit joining us this time" Fury said with a firm voice.

Natasha checked to see who it was, but it was the mysterious girl that drives the McLaren P1. "I believe you've met her, she drove you here, her name is Sabrina" Fury added on.

"And these two are the Maximoff twins" Fury said as he fixes his leather jacket.

"They've joined us before so we can skip the whole get to know each other thing" Tony said with sarcasm.

Natasha's thoughts were racing because Sabrina looked so similar to someone she met before but she can't recall where or when. "Hey Romanoff, you feeling okay?" Steve asked in a concern tone.

She nodded. "Since everybody's here, chop chop guys, we don't have all day" Natasha said brushing off her thoughts about Sabrina.

Everyone quickly walked towards the airway that's connected to the private airbus and went through it and board the bus.

Sabrina came up to Natasha to give her, her suitcase "Here's your bag ma'am" she said with a smile on her face.

"Drop the formal talking, you can call me Nat " she replied as she takes her bag and walk over to Clint.

Sabrina was stunned, "What the hell did I do to piss her off?" She thought to herself.

"What happened to the Quinjet?" Clint asked Natasha.

Natasha just shrugged her shoulders and walked off. Everyone finally boarded the plane and they quickly settle down.

While everyone was enjoying themselves, Steve was busy looking for Natasha, as he walked by Natasha who looked anxious and has been sitting down on the sofa quietly for the past 15 mins, he got worried for her and sat beside her, it was only the two of them in the lounge area, the rest of the Avengers were drinking and chitchatting in the other room.

"Hey, you okay? What's going on?" He asked her.

"Nothing actually" Natasha answered in denial with a soft smile, trying her best to not seem sad.

Steve knew there was something wrong. "What's going on?" He asked again.

"Just some nightmares" Natasha replied trying to pull herself together.

Steve knew his dear friend wasn't doing so well, "What's making you feel anxious?" Steve asked Natasha with a soft tone.

Natasha look at Steve with hearteyes, she felt really safe around Steve but she didn't want Steve to know that she's still struggling to accept what she's done in her past.

"I'm sorry Steve" Natasha said trying not to tear up.

She got up and went to the restroom, the minute she closed the restroom door, a tear rolled down her eyes. A few minutes later, she heard a knock, she quickly wiped her tears and washed her face. She opened the door and see Sabrina standing there, "You wanted to use the restroom?" Natasha asked.

Sabrina shook her head "I thought something might be wrong, I'm here to check up on you" She said with a smile.

Natasha smiled back. "Let's go get something to drink" she said, changing the topic real quick.