Vestfold Is Impregnable...!

Asmund accepted the challenge of Askild as the assault on the wall began, Askild knew that Asmund had the advantage and this reminded Asger of a familiar scene.

"I accept your challenge, King Askild," Asmund said and every single warrior on the battlefield fell speechless, Askild knew he was strong but he had also heard about what Asmund was like in his prime.

Askild was the one who challenged so he had no choice but the honor this sacred tradition but he was wondering why Asmund did not attempt to aid his son.

This was not arrogance, it was something else and Askild felt like he was playing right into the hand of Asmund.

The wall did not bulge and they were being overwhelmed, they could not even pick the ram back because of the rain of arrows, and Bjorn was well hidden beneath his raised shield.

"We need to get over the wall!" Ragnar shouted and this was something obvious but they could not. Something sizzling soon dropped from the top of the wall.