New Beginning, Old Threat

A new era was about to set in; a week had passed since the conquest of Vestfold.

Peace and normalcy slowly returned under Ragnar's rule, but Askild remained to see if they could cart any valuables away to help strengthen and rebuild Kattegat's army, as they had lost far too many men.

But while searching for these treasures, Askild found a map of a new land.

A land he had never heard about, he had only heard rumors about such a place, but this map confirmed it existed. This place was known as Engla-Land. 

Askild could not believe that the world was this vast, he had heard of Hagen's exploration, but it was to poverty-stricken or barren lands that could not benefit them.

But Askild had to confirm the authenticity of this map, and he carried it back to him to Kattegat.

Ragnar stayed back, but his sons would follow the majority back to Kattegat; Skarde had regained consciousness, but he had lost the usage of his eyes.