Awake! A Different Side!

Tyr woke up and he saw Gudrun standing over him looking terrified at the prospect of losing Tyr.

The dark-skinned boy could see the fear in her eyes but he was still in a dazed state.

"Mother?" Tyr muttered but which mother was he referring to?

He soon snapped out of it when he felt the warm tears of Gudrun dripping down his face.

"I-I was so scared!" Gudrun said and Tyr was confused as to why she was scared he would die considering they only just met, did she already become this attached after spending just a night together? A night that they did not even have sex? 

He flashed Nora a confused look but what he saw was a relief on her face, showing his condition was better but he also saw a very sober Kolbeinn watching over him.

"What day is it?" Tyr questioned, barely sitting up in his weakened state.

Tyr was disgruntled but the worst had passed already, the fact that he was fully conscious told them that.