Two Steps Ahead

Tyr's ax had made contact with the armor Jökull had on, Jökull was not fazed but Tyr was because he was certain that it would not work a second time.

He had played his hand and he could not believe he did not take the armor into account as Tyr immediately let go of his ax that was stuck and gained some distance.

"You should have gone for the head…" Jökull mocked Tyr because if he did, Jökull would have been dead. 

This was not the most worrying thing. Tyr noticed his skin had returned to normal, and Jökull was all warmed up. 

Kolbeinn knew he had allowed Tyr to have his fun but this man was clearly stronger than him. 

"Tyr, I am afraid but I do not think you can defeat him alone," Kolbeinn said but Tyr knew he stood a chance because he was not fighting at full power, to begin with, this was to lure Jökull into that one mistake which he failed to exploit.