Bjorn Rides Forth

King Ragnar had stormed off to meet his brother, Ulf but this time, he was not alone. 

His five men that had traveled with him were finally with their King, and Ragnar knew this was their duty. 

Ulf dared kiss his wife? Ragnar was livid. 

He did not even bother knocking on the door, Ragnar kicked it in.

"ULF! SHOW YOURSELF!" Ragnar shouted but he was met with silence telling him that Ulf was not around. 

The Generals were there for that sole reason, they did not know what was going on but they had never seen their King this livid. 

Ulf was his brother so what could he have done to get him so mad, this was the question on their mind. 

"King Ragnar, do you want us to find your brother?" Gudleif asked but Ragnar ignored him. 

This was a family matter but with Ulf being a Commander, he could not lay his hands on him despite their relationship or it could be deemed an act of aggression.