
Things were going well so far and Tyr had found a leeway, only if Uttredus cooperated like this young monk was about to do then maybe everyone would still be alive. 

The bloodshed was a necessity, they needed to understand to show these monks that they were a real threat and the man they clung to for hope could easily be put down. 

This broke their delusion and brought them back to the harsh realities of life. 

They were preys for greater evil and right now, they were standing in front of the greatest evil there was.

Wychard guided Tyr towards where the supposed treasures were, his legs were wobbly and his entire body trembled at the prospect of the threat that these Vikings carried. 

Uttredus had thought him how to speak their language because he did not know when it would come in handy but also because he was grooming Wychard to succeed him.