Who Is Reider? PT. 1

"It is a boy!" A lady said, raising the baby high and the mother was far too exhausted to speak.

She couldn't speak because childbirth had taken a lot from her.

The baby's cry echoed and this seemed to worry the mother even though the crying of a baby was considered a good thing, even a necessary thing

The lady with the baby in hand noticed the mother's worry and tried to make the baby quiet.

Voices outside could be heard talking, and the mother's face turned to one of panic.

She had given birth in the middle of an enemy's raid, this was the worst-case scenario for anyone and the woman's panic only increased the moment they heard people running in their direction.

"G-Go," The lady that just given birth used her last strength to command the lady with the baby, she knew what would happen to the bedridden lady if she left

Vikings were cruel and these particular warriors were especially known for that.