Days At Sea!

Days passed and they were still at sea, the warriors began to question if there was truly land beyond as they were told.

Hunger was setting in as the provisions were running low, things were not looking good.

This was the quickest way to destroy an army, hunger does things to the mind and body that were out of one's control.

Everyone was afflicted by it but they kept their mouth shut as they believed that there was something at the end of this journey that would make everything worth it.

Or so it was believed.

"I CANNOT TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" A Viking shouted but this was a Viking in Tyr's boat.

It was one of his own, he was losing his mind and no one could blame him.

"WE HAVE BEEN TRAVELING FOR DAYS AND WE ARE YET TO SEE LAND! WE ARE SAILING TO OUR DEATHS!" The man complained as everyone silently listened to him vent.

If he was that frustrated, he should prioritize conserving his strength yet here he was, making a scene.