Bargain Amongst Kings

The familiar feeling of darkness came, the sun had descended and the moon had taken its place. It was beautiful but this night was coming with not only blood but chaos.

This might be the night to shape their journey in Northumbria and the troops were ready.

Ragnar has been gone for quite some time and Tyr has been talking with Ecgberht for the entirety of his stay here.

No one knew what they were talking about except Alf and Alf's loyalty was to Tyr alone, not anyone else.

"It is time, General Grjötgard," Bjorn said. Tyr knew he could easily join them but he had to hang back to make sure that these men were okay.

Thorgard was staying with him too, this should give them leadership but Salgard and the others were going to scale the wall as planned despite Ragnar being there.