Grjötgard Vs...!?

Grjötgard was cutting them down one after the other like they were ants beneath his feet, it got to the point that they stopped attacking him as they knew numbers wouldn't do them any good.

Hagen watched from the wall and he was amazed by how strong this man was.

Hagen noted the resemblance between him and Erik the Berserker even though Grjötgard was a smarter fighter than Erik.

"What are they waiting for?" Hagen asked and rightfully so, this was unusual as shouldn't they want to tire him out even if it meant them dying?

They had the numbers and Grjötgard couldn't fight forever but by backing off, they were giving him a chance to rest.

However, it all soon made sense as the warriors gave way to a rather intimidating man right through them.

Grjötgard looked right at the man and grinned because he knew that this man was no fodder.

He was slender and was easily as tall as Grjötgard even though his body mass was far less.