The Battle For Northumbria Draws Near...!

Ragnar had made a momentous decision, and as the heads rolled, the citizens' hope dwindled with each execution. Ragnar's strategy had proven successful, just as he had predicted.

However, he knew he would have to deal with Tyr, depending on whether Bjorn could handle his younger brother. Ragnar knew he could no longer treat Tyr as a child and had to allow him to choose the path he wished to take but if it was one that threatened the stability of the Kingdom like seer he had predicted then Ragnar knew it would fall on him to execute his son, a decision he made the moment the prophecy was made.

"King Ragnar, are you sure your son will not be a problem?" the General inquired, but Ragnar remained silent, unable to provide a verbal response.

He wasn't certain of Tyr's capabilities anymore, but he was certain that there would be consequences for this action, even though it wasn't a crime.