I Will Tame You,Ulf [R18+]

Ulf had made contact with Anja and she had already captivated him under her spell for he was a man so naturally, he would be drawn to beautiful women.

Anja couldn't lie, the thought of sleeping with Ulf was only exciting because of his relation to her King, nothing else about this man was impressive.

To her, Skarde was far more impressive for he had so much control without his sight, she could only imagine what he was like with his eyes.

However, she was going to complete the task at hand so she led him to her room.

The moment Ulf took a step into her room, the scent was a lot different from any he had been in.

"What is this?" Ulf asked her, standing at the doorway, cautious because he didn't know what awaited him inside.

"It is the smell of a woman," Anja muttered before grabbing his hand and leading him towards her bed.

"You have nothing to be afraid of," Anja reassured him but Ulf couldn't let her think he was afraid.