Ingólfur's Scheme!

The night passed and a new day emerged out of the horizon with the only thing stopping Ragnar from marching to the Kingdom he was about to decimate were his allies.

He waited for them to join his call and they were on their way here already.

However, Ragnar got a visit from a man that he would never have guessed would have the balls to show his face to him ever again.

And that was Jan, the people of Vestfold hated this man because he helped the enemies attack their Kingdom even though he ended up betraying them, this wasn't enough.

Everyone looked at him in disgust but Jan didn't pay any attention to them, they were insignificant people with insignificant lives.

Men surrounded him to halt his advance, Jan didn't expect such a reception but the fact that he wasn't killed on sight told him that Ragnar wasn't an animal.

Jan unmounted his horse before being approached by the ever-reliable Skarde.