Lost Kingdoms

Ragnar and his men neared Gotaland to reclaim it, the Kingdom was in sight but there was no scout outside of it.

They were barricaded within the walls but Grjötgard wondered how Ragnar planned to use diplomacy if he couldn't even get in.

Grjötgard watched Ragnar as this would give him a closer view of the kind of person that this King was.

He hadn't been with Ragnar too long but he was aware that this man was a lot more different from his brother.

"What now, King Ragnar?" Grjötgard asked but Ragnar had no look of concern on his face.

The army he brought here but itwasn't enough to force their way in without taking heavy casualties yet Ragnar didn't show any unease.

"They know we are here but they do not know why and with my army depleted, if they were going to attack. They wouldn't have a better chance than this…" Ragnar said.

"So this was bait?" Grjötgard thought to himself upon realizing why Ragnar did what he did.