
Third person's p.o.v:

Staring at two-faced elders in front of them along side other alphas, Both of the Stone brothers had two different Aura but radiant as they say down, Alex had his face void of any emotion giving out the don't fuck with me vibe and as for Asher, he had his hand in his dress pants, looking lazy giving off the languid vibe. Silent but deadly.

[Man I don't want to write there either, I don't have male friends so I can't describe this, sorry]

To be honest they didn't want to be here, or at least they wanted to be anywhere but here, they were called out from their hangout section with their mate to this boring meeting along side their reluctant best friend and beta Stephano.

"They've been going around in circles since we came, what do you think they want?" Stephano asked through their mind link, stone faced.

"Well we're about to find out now"Asher said through their mind link smirking.

"Don't do anything stupid,moron"Alex said to his brother through their mind link, feeling an headache coming from whatever chaos his brother is about to cause.*sigh*


"*Cough**Cough*"Asher coughed gentle but loud enough for the people around to here, finally they turned to face him.

Although they were the elders/Counsel of the werewolf court, and older Alpha's who had gone through live, they were still scared of the Alpha twins, so naturally when Asher coughed they quickly paid attention to him, waiting for him to speak.

"Good, we've got your attention. So are you gonna get straight to the point instead of wasting our time here," Asher said, feeling slightly irritated.

"We would appreciate it if you'll just get to the point already"Allex said with an invisible eyeroll.

"Besides, you called us from a very important hangout session, if you have nothing to say expect from "it's an emergency" then I'm sorry but we have a beautiful mate waiting for us back at home."Alex continued with a smug look, forgetting that he and his brother are the most feared alphas in the world, and at the same time leaving the elders and the other Alphas speechless.




Stephano had long gotten used to their bickering, mischievous and indifferent sides even though he was already numb to their conversation. He still let out a laugh before regaining his composure.

"It's an emergency-"Just as Elder Sal was talking, he was interrupted by an Irritated Asher.

"I'm pretty sure that It's already been imprinted in our memory and mind by now"


"Well if you had let me finish then you would have known what it's about okay"Elder Sal said all in one breathe, looking pissed at the twins.

"Kayden De La Cruz"


"....." Everyone expect the elders.

"Does that ring a bell?"

After Elder Micheal said this he got various response Like No, Nope,nah, never heard of him, Who the heck is he, did he die suddenly, your brother?

Elder Micheal was furious when he heard the question "Your brother?"

*Scoff*' who want's him as a brother'

"What are the elders of your packs doing?"

With that said Elder Ian began his explanation on Kayden.

"oh, the expelled council member, I know him, well I don't but I've heard of him"

Earlier Today :

"Have you gotten anything planned for today?"Alex asked looking at the slender girl cuddling him while busy on her phone.

"Nope, haven't thought about it" Nicole answered still busy with her phone, not wanting to leave the position they were in.

"Really? so what do you want to do? I got a few suggestions" he said wiggling his eyebrows and smirking, Causing Nicole to blush, hiding her face in his shirt, Alex's laughter could have been heard all the way downstairs if it was for the soundproof walls.

"Okay, How about we just stay in this position, I kinda like this position quite well. all that's missing is some food and Ash[Asher]."Nicole said, as she still had her hidden in Alex's chest.

Honestly speaking, Alex also felt the the current they were in right now was also very good and infact he didn't want to leave their current position if not for the fact that both his brother and their food were missing. *sigh*

"Okay, I'll just let Ash know okay?"He said with a goofy smile, which just seem doesn't fit his persona at all.

Although she was both their mate, sometimes he just wish she was just his alone, but that's just his thought as reality seem to be different and they both like and always share their things instead.

"Get your a** up here now, oh and bring some snacks or food along while you're at it, remember it should be what our queen likes okay."Alex said to his brother in a commanding tone.

"Got it."Asher replied quickly.

"Good"Alex said, as he was about to turn off their mindlink, he was interrupted by his brother.

"Hmm, quick question, where exactly are you guys? and you're secretly spending time alone with our mate? "Asher asked sheepishly, making his brother sigh at his behaviour.

"Upstairs,our room, You wouldn't have known if our little mate didn't ask for you"

As Alex spoke his tone changed from stoic to smug.

As if sensing her mate's mood, Nicole quickly snuggled him earning a content sigh, 'if only they could finally finish their mating process,right now' as soon as that thought came it quickly vanished, Alex shook his head slightly disreaging any thought that's sexual. he-no they were willing to wait till she was ready, only then would they touch her.

"Let's watch a movie when Ash get's here, okay?'Nicole asked as she looked up at him with her big brown eyes, with an innocent look. anybody that saw how the current nichole wouldn't be able to relate her with the thin, timid, low esteem, self-conscious,weak, bullied girl from bright moon pack.

Alex couldn't say no to her when those pair of eyes were staring at him, looking expectant and innocent,heck nobody would be able to say no to her. She looked really adorable right now.

"Okay, do you have a movie in mind?"Alex asked as he stared down at her, making her ears turn red a little.

'Yes, Avengers"She said, soon someone burst into the room like their hidden treasure was about to be taken away if they don't reach there on time.

"we've got ourselves a Mravel fan"said a deep but gentle voice with a hint of laughter in it, which came from the person who suddenly burst into the room.Hearing this familiar voice and familiar scent that came to nose, Nicole turned around and made a bee line for the person.

"Ash"called out a sweet and soft voice, one could tell how happy she was, just from her tone. Asher looked at his brother then a the girl in his arms then back at his brother.As if trying to pass on a message.


Sometime later during their movie a phone rang out startling the sleeping Nicole, making the boys groan.

"Whose is it"Alex asked in a low voice as he adjusted Nicole to sleep in a more comfortable position.

"Mine, just a sec"Asher said as he gentle stood up trying not wake his sleeping mate, he walked to the balcony of their room to answer the call.

"Hello, Alpha Stone"the caller said.

"Asher Stone speaking, Speak"Asher said, his tone cold and distant with a cigar in between his fingers, he was slowly losing his patience as he waiting for the caller to continue.

:"Th-Th-This is the head Secretary of the of the Elders/ Council office, an emergency meeting has been called for and both you and your brother are requested to come" The caller sorry secretary said her voice trembling slightly.

"When is it"Asher asked through gritted teeth as he thought about the so called elers in the council.

"Today, in two hours time sir,"The secretary replied, with a pen in hand as she tick down the name of the Alphas she had called.

"We'll be there"Asher replied coldly before hanging up not waiting for the person on the other end to continue.

Back in the room, as soon as Asher entered, he saw the question look his brother gave him and soon proceed to answer.

"The elders/council office"Asher said, seeing as his brother was still quiet waiting for him to explain, he continued.

"I don't know what those crazy old creeps want but there's an emergency meeting and we're needed there but we can't bring Nicole along"he continued. Then proceeded to lay on the bed with their mate.

Groaning Nicole got up and snuggled into Asher, he felt content but then realized he soon needs to get up and dress up for the meeting uggh

"Where are you guys going to? Are you leaving me?" She mumbled sleepily.

"No sweetheart, we'll be back I promise"Asher said feeling reluctant to go

"Promise?"Nicole asked, she looked like she was bout to cry

*We promise, we'll be back soon we just have to go somewhere important really quick okay"Alex said, he felt like he was coaxing a child.

"Okay"she said happily, Alex gave her a peck on the lips and do did his brother before they finally left.

As soon as they left Nicole was freed from all from of sleep as reality of what she just did dawned on her.*facepalm*

"Did I really have to act like that"

Damn that was embarrassing "

How do I face them when I see them next"


"'promise?'" Nicole mimicked her voice in a high pitch girly voice.


"Isn't he supposed to have died like a decade ago or something" Alpha Caleb questioned looking a bit bored

"Yes? We all thought that but-"Elder Michael who looks no older than 70 was interrupted by another alpha

"So where would he find this so-called powerful person-" Alpha Hayden was interrupted by his cousin.

"Yeah, and how sure are you he/she's alive"Alpha Carson finished not letting old elder Michael speak.

"If you had let Michael here finish first you would know" Elder Ian said making them quiet down, as expected of the most feared and respected Elder.

"He isn't dead, someone spotted him yesterday and sent an anonymous message to us"

"What if this was just a trap then"

"But what if it wasn't, then what??"

"There's no what if's, just we know for sure is that something big is about to happen and the supernatural world is in danger"Elder Simon who had been quiet the entire time finally spoke.

Unknown p.o.v:

In a room where nearly all the curtains were dropped except one, sat a man on his golden chair that looks no different from a throne with a cigarette in his hand, A door opened giving way for a person not older than someone in their late teens to enter.

" MY lord, The Alphas are away on a meeting with the elders meaning Miss Nicole is alone without defense or protection," the person said with their head hung low

"Good, very Good, It's about time I take back what's mine"The man sitting on his golden chair muttered to himself

"Very well then, create a distraction, send out some rouges, get her and make sure no harm comes to her not even a scratch should be found on her or else...."The man said not finishing his sentence making the person shiver in fear. Why on earth did he have to work for such a scary man, if it was for the benefit of protection and his stupid sister?

"Wh-wh-what if the miss was with the alpha's sister, should we take her along too?" the person asked the man not daring to look at the man's face.

"Let her be, we don't need her yet, I just want Nicole" hearing this the person nod thinking about how he'll ask the question that has been troubling him since the beginning of this conversation.

"Ask, I can tell you want to ask something so don't waste my time" The sudden voice made him shiver like that of someone with a cold, Gathering all his courage he asked

"My lord, Will you be going along with us"

Hearing this the man couldn't help but laugh lazily then said coldly,

"Now's not the time, now get lost"hearing this the person immediately left without wasting any more time.

'Soon it will be just you and me my darling' he thought .


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