
Third person's p.o.v:

They say hurt people hurt people, but just how true is that?

***Bloodshot pack** Alpha's Office*

"Scarlett?" Stella asked, shock evident in her voice and face as she stared at the face she hadn't seen in many years, a face she thought she would never see again.

"Hey Lil sis, missed me?" Scarlett said with a small smile hanging on her lips as she looked at Stella who was still staring at her in shock and fright like she had seen a ghost.

"You died at least I saw you dying with my own eyes?" Stella asked without giving her sister the time to respond

"Stell it's me," Scarlett said trying to move close to her sister, the sister she was forced to stay away from for over 10 years.

"No, No, No, don't come any closer you're not her, She's dead, she- she-she died right in front of me 10 years ago," Stella said shaking her head profusely while moving back slowly.

"Stop whatever game you're playing, I refuse to believe this impostor is my sister" Stella hysterically screamed shocking the people in the room.

Stella was breaking and boy it was bad and unexpected.

"How are you here?" she asked, finally accepting the reality of her sister's presence.

"You left me to fend for myself living in guilt all these years, thinking I caused your death only for you to tell me it was a stupid illusion" Stella said letting out a dark chuckle.

"It's more than that Stella, It wasn't my fault he would have come-‶ Just before Scarlett could finish her sentence Stella interrupted catching her off guard.

"It's your fault SCARLETT, Stop giving excuses"

"Then should I have watched you die?" Scarlett asked as tears sipped out of her eyes, Catching Stella off guard, the strong and brave girl was nowhere to be found.

"YES YOU SHOULD HAVE, THEN I WOULDN'T GONE THROUGH THE PAIN YOU PUT ME THROUGH GROWING UP" She screamed with tears streaming down her cheeks as she stared at her sister with bitterness and newfound hatred in her eyes, making the room go silent, leaving everyone in the room to their various thoughts.

At the thought of his mate dying Stephano seemed to have lost all his sense of reason as he or rather his wolf rushed towards Scarlett, laying a choke hold on her aiming to strangle her as all he could see was red. Barely hearing whatever his mate and the others were saying,

Deciding to take matters into her own hands, she could feel her body going limp, just as she was about to cast a quick spell in her mind, the door to the office slammed open revealing a panting and furious Jason.

"MATE" Jason growled stunning everyone including himself, as he made contact with the almost-dead girl Stephano was strangling.

Rushing forward he attacked him, pushing him to the floor he landed a punch on his perfectly sculptured jaw, catching Stephano off guard, he landed another punch on his face as he struggled to pin the latter down, as he was still a tad bit smaller and weaker than him. He was a Gemma fighting a Beta.

Pushing Jason off himself, something seemed to have sparked within Stephano as he landed a punch on Jason's face bursting his lips open, his face turned the other way, Jason licked the blood of his lips spitting out the blood in his mouth, and he turned to face Stephano with a smirk on his face.

The dimly lit room was filled with tension as Stephano and Jason faced each other. Both steaming with anger, it felt like the inevitable was about to happen.

"You should've stayed out of this, Gemma," Stephano taunted, stepping forward, calling Jason by his title, seeming to enjoy pissing him off.

"And you should've never touched what's 'MINE' Beta" Jason Said, breathing heavily, emphazing on the 'MINE' glaring at Stephano.

Without warning, Stephano lunged, throwing a powerful punch. Jason barely dodged, feeling the rush of air as the fist whizzed past his face. He countered with a quick jab to Stephano's ribs, but it felt like hitting a brick wall.

Stephano laughed, grabbing Jason by the collar and shoving him against the wall. "Is that all you've got?" he sneered. Both guys seeming to forget about the others in the room.

Jason gritted his teeth, using the wall for leverage to kick Stephano's knee. Stephano stumbled, his grip loosening just enough for Jason to slip free. Jason knew he had to be smart, using his agility to stay out of Stephano's reach.

"You're quick, I'll give you that" Stephano said, circling Jason. "But speed won't save you."

"We'll see about that," Jason replied, dodging another swing and landing a swift punch to Stephano's side.

Stephano growled in frustration, his movements becoming more aggressive and less controlled. "You're just delaying the inevitable."

"Maybe, but I'm not going down without a fight." Stephano saw this as his chance, dodging another wild swing and delivering a solid punch to Jason's jaw.

"You're tougher than you look," he admitted, wiping blood from his lip. Stephano staggered back, surprised by the force

"And you're not as invincible as you think." Jason, breathing heavily, spitted out…still feeling angered by what his friend did.

"Cut it out, Both of you, "Alex couldn't take it anymore lashed out. Making the two freeze in their position, his Alpha aura sipping out into that sentence.

"we have much more important things to worry about, than two grown men fighting in my office like teenagers in puberty" He continued bringin them back to reality and their current situation.

Everyone always thought he'd end up with Ashley or a shewolf of the same ranking but never a witch and never one of a higher rank at that.

Ashley Never thought she would one day see Jason like this, especially to his best buddy Steph and he was like this all because of 'a girl' that wasn't her.

"Yeah, it's all a dream and a nasty one at that" She felt could be dreaming, but then she heard him again. She felt an emotion stare within her, it was something she couldn't place a name on, shaking her head she turned to Jason and his mate wondering what next to expect as none of them expected all that had transpired so far.


"MATE" Jason said turning to his mate, taking large strides towards his who was rubbing her throbbing neck like he wasn't just thrown off Stephano, his hands all bloody, his face once perfect was now spotting a black eye.

"I-ME-HOW?" Scarlett who never stutters was now stuttering feeling and looking confused as a witch has never been mated before in the whole of history. Ignoring her confused look and everybody else in the room, Jason angrily grabbed her by the wrist dragging her out of the room and taking her to an empty room. Causing sparks and the place he held to tingle.

"Look here there must be a mistake, there's way on earth or in heaven that I'm YOUR MATE" Scarlett said turning to face him as soon as they entered the room not giving him the chance to say anything. Checking if she was okay, he's eyes scanned her from head to toe, after making sure she was okay, he took in her appearance.

She wore a black leather jacket and black sleeveless crop top inside, and black washed demi jeans which accommodated her curves in the right place, her feet spotting black leather stilettoes making her already long legs slimmer and enticing and her face? It was just perfect from her high cheek bone to, her button nose, to her greenish blue eyes hooded by her long and thick lashes, and then her plump lips were covered in strawberry-scented lip gloss which caught his attention.

"What's your name? Little mate" He asked huskily, liking what he saw, he stared into her greenish-blue eyes getting lost in them. He could look at her all day without getting tired, he thought releasing a sigh.

"Scarlett" She answered, her voice going soft.

"Scarlett," He said as if testing the name out, he liked the way it rolled off his tongue, something about the way he said it made her feel weak at the knees trapping her in a trance, Snapping from her trance she shook her head pushing him away from her, it was only then they both realized how close they were.

"What? Did you bring me here to reject me just like most of your kind reject their fated mates?" She said stunning Jason who was all red from whatever transpired earlier.

"Or did you come up with a new way to torment me? Or at least you think you can, but sorry to burst your little bubble wolf boy, your shitty mate bond can do me nothing and whatever way you come up with can also do me nothing" Scarlett said holding up his gaze venom laced her words each more hurtful than the last making him flinch for a second.

Various flashed through her eyes but what stood out the most was hurt, fear of being hurt masked by nonchalance, like she didn't care if he rejected her or not, like the sparks and tingles they both felt were nothing, like what happened some few minutes ago was nothing causing his wolf to whimper moving to the back of this mind letting Jason take back full control.

"SCARLETT" He growled out, as he stared at his rambling and arrogant yet pissed mate who for some weird reason looked really cute.

"Don't you dare growl at me" She yelled out throwing a nasty look his way before going on with her ramble.

"SCARLETT" He called out again, this time trying to get her attention which was no longer on him as she rambled on.. His tone confused his face reflecting his tone, deciding to just let finish as he listened on he couldn't help but think of how beautiful she was and she was his, just the thought alone triggered some PG thoughts as he let out a low chuckle completely tuning out what she was saying until he heard something she shouldn't have said.

"-I mean what was Serene thinking pairing me up with this privileged brat who thinks he can boss me around just because he's got a wolf and I don't, he thinks he can do anything ...It's totally fine if he doesn't want me or decides to reject m-‶ Jason or rather his wolf took over, capturing her lips in his in a kiss cutting off whatever she was about to say, her body responding on its own accord as both their lips moved in sync, he slowly pulled back breaking their kiss the kiss short yet punishable left her shell shock and breathless the latter causing Jason to smirk in return his eyes returning back to their normal color indicating Jason being back in control.

Slowly he moved towards her and with each step he took forward she took double as she moved backward hitting the wall, trapping her to the wall he stared at her trapping her in his enchanting honey-brown eyes one hand on the wall beside her head and the other holding arching her chin upwards he arched his face downwards, his nose brushing hers her scent drifting into his nose intoxicating him making him lose control, just as their lips were about to meet halfway, she kneed him.

Slipping away from his hold, and getting to the door she turned around with a smirk on her face watching him skimp in pain she raised her hands giving him the middle finger before leaving.

"I see, she's grown a backbone, this will be fun" he muttered under his breath before letting out a breathless chuckle.


"Adrian, "Alex said through gritted teeth.

"Trisha's brother?" Ashley Asked softly, the last time she saw Adrian was four years ago right before he left for a trip.

"I'm gonna kill that shit face" Asher roared, yes he was so angry that he was emitting a strong killing intent, scaring poor Ashley who was sitting next to him.

"Calm down will yah, do you know where he is now?" Scarlett asked as the clogs in her brain began to work, thinking of ways in which they could find Nicole and save her.

"Not really?" Stephano answered more like a question.

"I think...Never mind" Ashley wanted to answer but quickly stopped herself

"He's a rogue now," Jason said through gritted teeth before anyone could answer, he hated rogues for killing his parents and Adrian for taking away his Luna and friend.

"That explains it, the group of people I saw him instructing was probably rogues, and the mastermind is probably HIM," Scarlett said

"Figured," Alex said grunting

"But why Adrian though?" Ashely asked, it seemed like she was asking herself that question. She just couldn't figure out why. As her intuition was telling her there's more to it.

"I actually thought he was dead for a moment," before saying with a confused look on her face.

"Trisha, since she's his sister and is so damn crazy about you both, she must know something," Stella said with a thinking expression on her face, Although she isn't related to them in any way she grew up with them when they moved their pack to New York and she's considered their little sister as well, and anyone that spoke the way she did just now to the twin would have their head served on a gold plater.

"Get that whore here NOW!" Alex yelled/commanded as he kicked the chair beside him.

"ALEXANDER, behave yourself" Cassandra who had been silent the whole time finally couldn't take the cussing,scolded her oldest son with a scowl on her face causing the latter to shut up.

"Jason, when the attack happened did you by any chance see Trisha with the other warriors?" Ashley asked thoughtfully, although she knew the possibility of the answer being yes was going to be small because the pack was chaotic and there were so many warriors and others.

"We have security cameras at the borders right?" Ashley asked out of the blue as she became lost in her thoughts again, one question kept popping up in her head ,why did Adrian capture or rather kidnap Nicole when she wasn't even in the pack when he left.'

'Since you had that then why trouble me now.' Scarlett thought in her heart.

"Why Nicole though? Was it because of Trisha "Ashley asked again seeming lost in her thoughts.

Somewhere in Bloodshot pack:

"Ey Yo Trish, Alpha's office now" A tall blonde guy who's also a Delta yelled from across the field, making Trisha earn various looks from those around her.

"Are you serious? Do you know what they want me for" she asked, excitement visible in her voice.

"No," He said plainly, 'she didn't seem to think that there might be another reason why they might have called' he thought before storming off with a cold look that seemed to her permanently attached to his face while being disgusted by her reaction, it wasn't anything shocking though, it was expected but maybe a little part of him wanted her reaction to be different.

Quickly without caring what the reason was, Trisha rushed to the third floor where the Alphas office was stationed.

"I knew they'd come around, with that stupid mate of theirs gone I get to be the rightful Luna of this pack," She thought as a smirk slowly made its way to her face, slowly she opened the door not before adjusting her dressing, dragging her top down a bit showing some cleavage, just as she was about stepping into the room Alex rushed at her at an inhumane speed grabbing her by her neck, he lifted her up from the ground choking her.

As he held her, she looked at him in the process of making eye contact with her Alpha, something that should have never been done, staring into those cold gray eyes all she could see was pure hate and lethal, as she looked at him her various emotions flashed through her eyes from love to hurt to regret then finally fear as the reality dawned on her, she was witnessing the monster her Alpha was, the one she thought she would never witness, he whole life flashed before her very eyes. Her face changed color from her tan complexion to blue then slowly it was turning purple.

Just as she thought her life was over, and she was going to die at the hands of the man she once loved, Asher stepped in breaking Alex's hold on her sensing that his wolf had already taken over.

"Stop it, you idiot, you'd kill her and we don't want that now do we? Mas, now let me handle it" Asher said confronting his brother's wolf.

Falling she coughed as she tried getting air into her drying lungs, breathing seemed impossible.

Glancing at the gasping girl, Asher sighed, turning away and taking a couple of deep breaths trying to calm down his own raging wolf down.

He gestured for Scarlett to take over and begin her work.

**Kayden's Place**

She could hear the sound of water rushing from where she was in the cellar, she looked around there was barely any sign of light here in the cellar, no window

"I am scared," Lilian said as she inched closer to Nicole shivering with both fear and cold. She pulled Lilia closer, and as she did so she could feel the little girl's bone and her temperature seemed to be dropping. Panicking Nicole decided to call out to Avaline her wolf.



"Ava" fear began to rise in Nicole's heart as she couldn't hear any response from her wolf.

with a racing and panic-filled heart she called out once again only to hear a small response in return a voice that appeared to be barely as small as a whisper

"I'm here Nic, but I'm dying, "Ava said, her voice slightly above a whisper.

"Don't panic, I'm sorry I can't do anything to help, I wish I could" Ava said sounding weak as a series of emotion

"Boss says if you're good you'll be able to leave here, so be good," he said as he touched her face

"Let me go you dimwit" Nicole screamed and kicked around already feeling weak from the intake of wolfbane as Adrian held her inching his face towards her before sinking it to her neck and taking a deep sniff of her scent.

Sighing in contentment he proceeded to suck down on her neck to her shoulder hen her mark causing her to shudder in nothing but disgust her body tensed as he began to grope her before being hit in the groin by Nicole, Falling face flat, Adrian Groaned as he wiped off the blood from the side of his head.

Suddenly he pushed her to the floor.

"You shouldn't have done that Princessa" Adrian said with a lopsided grin as he struggled to get up due to the pain.

"You're becoming a bad, bad girl love, If you continue you'll end up on Santa's naughty list sweetheart but don't worry we can fix that, isn't that right love" He said letting out a crazy laugh.

"You aren't just crazy, you are a psychopath and Y-You are Trisha's brother aren't you" She asked...more like stated it with pure horror as he came close to her a step at a time.' This was the end" at least that's what she thought as she watched him come closer with a crazy look in his eyes.

"No kidding Sherlock"