It wasn't much of a sight, but for them it was nothing short of heaven, it was an almost dried up waterhole, it had very little water left. But still it was enough to quench their thirst. Cyer walked up to the bank and started drinking, so did Kai, they drank for a good while, pouring water over themselves to fight the heat, the water wasn't exactly cold, but it was a welcome change from the dry hot dessert winds. After they had had their fill, Cyer began to set up tent.

It was almost evening by the time he finished, they had been walking in the day, although it was further exhausting them, but Kai wanted to get to the waterhole as quickly as possible.

"Kai..." Cyer began as he cooked the dried meat that they had with them, for dinner, "We now have two options, we can stay here and wait for Kenviar, but he is exceptionally late ... so I doubt it would do any good, still we could wait, the other option is that we continue, we have the capacity to carry 4 days' worth of water... that should be enough to get us to the next oasis but.... I doubt it has anything to offer... so it is a risk... either way I am with you..."

Kai thought for a while ... looking at the burning fire... "We should just continue ... waiting for Ken isn't that viable I guess... and we have been lucky thus far... let's drag it out for as long as it lasts..."

"It's decided then... we leave in 3 hours ..." Cyer said with a nod as he also made up his mind.


A Short haired rather pale looking lady sat sideways on a black horse like creature, as it graced across the sky. The Pegasus was the demon known as Kenviar and the lady he was carrying was Delilah. They had been flying at a modest pace, not very fast but not too slow either.

"Why are we not speeding up?" The girl said as she drew closer to the neck of the Pegasus,

"Because... if I go any faster the wolf will pick up our scent and those guys are really hard to deal with..."

"Why not have them come? You could hand me to them?"

"Because one, that would be against Kai's order and two, because the guys who will show up are different, they are, well let's just say annoying, in any case, this is the speed at which we are going." Ken finished.

"Are you and Kai close?" Delilah asked...

"Where did that come from and what sort of a question is that? I am a contracted demon, that is all"

"Just curious, of course ... so which family do you belong to?" Delilah continued naturally.

"Excuse me?" Ken was taken aback...

"I was wondering which house of the demons you belonged to or are you a rogue." Delilah questioned.

"You know quite a lot don't you, your highness?" Ken answered.

"I know my fair share; among my people the ancient knowledge is still taught."

"I'd better be on my guard then, eh" Ken laughed of, "So how much do you know?"

"I know about the seven lord kings, the wars, the contracts and few more things, but the question remains, why have you a contract with Kai..." Delilah asked gripping onto the neck hair of the Pegasus.

"That my dear royal princess is something that I won't share, although you seem quite interested in my master." Ken's voice was a smirk, as if on cue Delilah's grip tightened. "Ah, your heartbeat princess, it would appear my hunch was spot on." Ken laughed

"I have no idea what you are talking about" Del answered.

"Ah yes, naturally, quite cliché though isn't it, he saved you and you fell for him"

"Please don't tell him" Delilah was quick to reply...

"Ahhaha, I thought you had no idea what I was talking about"

"Don't tell him ..." Del repeated pleading.

"What do I get in return, Princess" Ken asked in a musical voice...

"Anything" Delilah began as she got hold of herself adding "that I deem to be of an equal value"

"tch," Ken clicked his tongue ... "How about you don't tell Kai, what you know about us demons then?"


"As to why, well leave that question unanswered, your highness who has fallen for my master, oh don't worry, I will tell him everything myself when the time is right," Ken said playing with the girl that sat on his back.

"I guess so... but I will tell him if I see it necessary... you can tell him what you want then..."

"sure sure, I wouldn't dream of it any other way," Ken finished...

"By the way, why were all the posts we flew over, abandoned?" Delilah wondered, trying to change the topic.

Ken shaking his head answered," well my best guess would be that the assassins that were escaping took this route and as such I doubt, we will find any post occupied for at least a fair amount of time around this area...

"I see, thank you for taking care of me these past few days...

"I am just following my orders"

"Don't you have to hurry back to Kai?"

"I do... but well he ordered this, and frankly if he can't make it on his own... I don't think he is worth the effort..." Ken finished the last part under his breath...

"What was that?" Delilah asked unable to understand.

"Nothing really, anyway, shall we rest for a while?"

Allen and his men walked into a village.

"Alright guys, good work... Now get outta my sight!" Allen said smiling while scratching his head. The assassins around him laughed as they left, some patting Allen's back as they left... And soon enough everyone had gone their separate ways. Allen himself started to walk towards the village center.

He had barely taken six steps when he instinctively retracted his foot, and sure enough a throwing knife stabbed into the earth before him, right at the spot where his foot had been. Allen quickly moved sideways as another throwing knife passed where his head had been, after what seemed like a short dance, Allen laughing, stopped his movements and simply caught the next knife with his fingers.

"I see your love for me still remains strong, my dear Hope" Allen spoke as he looked atop a roof, where stood an Assassin in a slightly different attire,

"So is Ann visiting or are you here for some other reason?" Allen continued. The assassin on the roof top pulled her hand back causing all the knives she had thrown to be retracted towards her, she then gracefully jumped down towards Allen.

"Master Allen" she spoke in a gentle voice, as she nodded... The nod was immediately followed by a deadly strike which Allen easily dodged.

"So, Ann is here after all," Allen concluded continuing, ignoring the attempts, now in melee, at his life completely.

"Guess I will meet her soon enough ..." Allen spoke as he swiftly moved in behind the assassin and with a simple strike at her neck with, made her lose all strength ... So that he himself helped her stand. "Let's have you take some rest, shall we?" Allen finished as Hope glared at him.

It was by evening that Allen left, "Now then time to visit old friends is it" Allen thought aloud as he made his way towards an Inn.