Protruding far above the highest clouds, where the air was thin and cold, gales of icy winds stormed and blizzards raged, the peak of the great volcano sat gazing at the civilization that survived on its terraces. The volcano had been inactive for a millennia. Snowcapped, the towering mountain stood distinct even among its peers in the surrounding mountain range that fell short in enormity. The volcano, except for the unnatural terraces was extremely steep.

An impregnable fortress as proved over the countless years in which the habitants of the mountain had repelled countless invasions aimed at the empire that prospered behind it. The mountain range was at the border of the empire, proving to be the first line of defense. As any invader was forced to cross over it if they wanted to reach the riches that it guarded.

The people on the range were born and bred in the ways of the snowy mountains, well equipped both with stratagems and tactics along with the ordnance and equipment to face of any possible enemy force.

Not known to many, the volcano held riches of its own, relics and treasures that the people had sworn themselves to guard, hoarded over the countless eons that brought all kinds of invaders to the doorsteps of the mountains, from Gods to dragons to the damned demons, all had tried to conquer the great land, Neraya, the volcanic range, the land of the frosted fires, only to fail, leaving behind the weapons they sought to conquer with. Not only these relics but the volcano held something that only the imperial family possessed in the entire empire, a jewel of creation. The likes of which only the elder gods, the emperor, the demon lords and high angels were supposed to have had, talked about in legends and myths, the kings of the mountain had kept it hidden among all the treasures. This was the most prized, its existence was kept secret from even the highest ministers, only a select few kept aware.

Hidden in the ancient fort city of Al Zarar that sat right on and around the peak symbolizing the strength and resolute nature of the Kingdom of Neraya. The fort was made from the heden marble, a stone stronger than diamonds that looked like carved ice, mined from the depths of the volcano the stone that had shown crimson red reflecting the dormant lava, now reflected the snow and sky. Further strengthened by magic and barriers and even from their legendary jewel, tall thick walls surrounded the boundary with high window that held platforms for ranged defenders perhaps.

A castle palace stood in the center; arches supported the main megalithic structure from the inside as buttresses did from the exterior of the structure that sat inside the walls separated by courtyards. The castle had several turrets and one single tower that stood atop the peak of the volcano reaching the heavens. Al Zarar had stood strong and mighty through centuries only to be further strengthened by each passing day.

She was leaning from atop the castle gate, the gate was built under an arch in the wall, such that all who entered had to cross from underneath. She was looking at the knights as they entered. The knights, all with different armors atop their horses, all carrying the emblem of the kingdom alongside their own marks, she leaned on the edge and with her were two other women, all gazing at the spectacle below. The first prince had returned from battle and was marching towards the castle victorious. He was celebrated throughout the kingdom, a strong warrior and incredibly good looking as well. Kind and gentle towards his people, he was a fairly muscular man, with elegant features, clad in armor, and his stead was well accustomed to its rider, so that it too walked with elegance.

As the knights approached closer to the gates, she grinned... it was the afternoon, but the mountains were always cold, the clouded sky filtered the rays of the sun casting a brilliant golden rustic light.

"Watch this" she said giggling, her smile the very personification of mischief as the other two women raised an eyebrow, she made her way towards her bag, she had brought it along just for this. Taking out, what seemed to be a water balloon, she made her way quickly towards the parapet again.

The other two women realizing what she was about to do went frantic trying stop her. They rushed towards her, but it was already too late. As the prince walked underneath helmet cradled in one hand while waving and smiling at the people with the other, she called from above,

"Oh Royal Prince..." her tone mocking. The prince looked up to see where the voice had come from only to have the balloon landed straight on his face, popping on contact. With a splash it covered the prince in cold slime such that it stuck to his face and armor. Frozen from the shock, the prince grinded his teeth as the entire populace and the knights erupted in laughter.

"ANESIAAAAAA !" he yelled looking at the women above grinning as she quickly dashed away. The prince having momentarily lost his composure, straightened up trying to look halfway decent but the slime stuck to his hair and face destroying all hopes of looking dignified. Irritated, he just marched forward, as they got off their horses, the knights patted him on the back.

"Our prince who has won all his battle thus far losing to a girl with slime, what are the other kingdoms going to think?"

"No wonder they take us lightly."

"Now now gentlemen, let the prince handle the situation, again. Hahahaha!" the knights were laughing as they left for their own quarters.


The prince entered the throne room, splotching sounds accompanying him as he did, the king sat there a goblet in his hand,

"Welcome home my so- Guahahahaha, ... don't tell me, Anesia?" The king could not help but laugh looking at the prince's distort appearance.

"Yes father, her, that wretched child." The prince spoke irritably.

"Now now, I am sure she loves you, be kind with her, don't be too harsh." The king continued with a gentle smile,

"oh no no no, she started this yes, but I will end it." The prince went on, a menacing look in his eyes, "As for the battle, father these weren't mere bandits, they were too well equipped and too well organized to be such. I am sure this was some kingdom testing us before they wage a full-scale invasion."

"If that is your opinion, present it before the council tomorrow, and consult Anesia regarding the matter as well, her particular skills will come in handy," the King finished, "now go get yourself cleaned up, seriously though, that girl sure knows when to strike."

"She embarrassed me in front of all the nobles, my own knights laughed at me," the prince had mock tears in his eyes, but he too smiled. "Vengeance shall be mine," he laughed as he left. The king stroked his beard shaking his head smiling as he indicated a servant to clean the floor after the prince.

"You have such a lively family my lord," The vizier smiled as well.


Anesia, still laughing was preparing to take her bath. A relaxing bath after such an eventful day seemed like a great idea. She approached the bath house, neatly folding her cloths away, but as she entered the water that had been just perfect to her shock turned freezing cold, a gasp escaped her overcome with the sensation. Laughter erupted from the bath house besides, the royal baths separated by a bamboo wall.

"YOU!" Anesia protested realizing the prince was behind this, "you did this,"

"Wahahahaha, what happened sister dearest, the payback has just begun," The prince laughed,

"Oh, so that's how you want to play?" Anesia spat as the water heated up again, "you are so on, you ass of a brother,"

As the day went on the royal siblings played a number of pranks on each other, so that by the end of the day they glared at each other over the dinner table fighting with their leg's underneath.

"Now now, that is enough, both of you!" The king spoke now serious. Focus on your meals. Enough of this silly nonsense! You are grownups. Stop acting like children,

The siblings stopped, still glaring.

"Did you ask Anesia about the bandits", the king addressed the first prince who shook his head.

"That completely slipped my mind, Anesia could you use your divination to look into this for us?"

"uhh sure, but divination is not all that accurate you know. I can tell you if something is going to happen not exactly what." Anesia answered.

"That should be enough," the prince spoke calmly.

"I shall seek guidance from the heavens tonight then," Anesia replied and the royal family continued having their dinner, the mood that had become tense lightened up as the second prince joined them.

Whereas Anesia was only a year younger than her elder brother the second prince was 10 years younger than her, still considered a child.