Slightly breathless, and with her sword dripping with fresh blood, an armored figure stood, her hair a blend of red and burnet flowed lightly in the wind, as drops of blood adorned the fair skin of her face as well as parts of her armor. A mound of corpses and an ally surrounded her.

Iliea stood beside Zasha, in the midst of dead enemies and surrounded by live ones. How often had she found herself in situations like these, it was funny as somehow or the other, where-ever Zasha went trouble followed, and more often than not Iliea was with her, the duo was famous even.

Iliea stood shaking her head, smiling, a hand on her forehead gesturing at her luck, the other on the hilt of her own sword that stabbed the earth through a man. Her armor was elegant, simple and effective, with dragon scaled joints, she wore metallic arm and leg guards with bracers and a breast plate that extended to her back, such that the only part of her skin that was visible was her face above her lower jaw which too was braced by a jaw shaped armor plate.

"What ya smirkin at," Zasha barked with a hint of laughter. Removing her hand from her forehead Lia replied shaking her head,

"Oh nothing, just wondering how gifted we are in attracting trouble," her short dark hair blew in front of her face, so she tucked them behind her ear with her free hand.

"Aye aye, is te great slayer not a-up for et, a little army got you feeling down eh" Zasha mocked.

"You wish, besides look at who has got more kills" Lia replied, "and that aside you as usual are devoid of elegance, no wonder you can't get a guy," she continued,

"Ahahahaha, bring it bitch, let see who gets more kills. The party is jus' startin" Exclaiming loudly masking her embarrassment Zasha jumped from the mound towards the horde of enemies that surrounded them,

"You stupid ass midget, will you plan it out at least once" Lia was shaking her head again as she followed Zasha and directed their way towards a river.

The two warriors were elegant and ruthless, seldom delivering a blow short of a killing one. The women cut their path through rows of soldiers, faster, stronger and fiercer than them all, as they reached the bank signs of fatigue were apparent. The enemy was regrouping after these two had ripped them apart.

Just then an arrow hit Lia's arm, as the soldiers saw her blood, they boosted their morals,




... Lia was quite for a few moments, slowly turning around, the air around her completely different, the charging enemies stopping dead in their tracks at her mere glance.

"What ... did you call me?" Lia's voice was soft and imbued with poison, like the whisper of death.

"Shit..." Zasha exclaimed hearing Lia's voice.

"A WHORE" said a soldier from the army still not aware of the atmosphere.

Lia drew another sword, a short one, letting go of all guard, she charged towards the enemy, cutting, hacking, slashing, ripping, breaking, tearing everything that came in her wake, with no aim in particular she went on her rampage, killing all. Her eyes glowing with hate and anger. She herself facing more wounds too because of her lack of defense but killing four times as many opponents as before. Lia like a force of nature ripped apart the formations of her opponents.

Zasha approached the river, breathing a bit heavily, and launched a flare. As soon as she did, armored knights appeared before her, rising from glyphs.

"Lauren the west flank, Allister the right one, Lia's gone wild again, bring her in before she exhausts herself or kills their fucking general. I am gonna rest here for a while." Zasha issued her commands as the night fell.

Lia bleeding all over and covered in blood, stood still, no body daring to approach her. Fear and helplessness in the eyes of the soldiers around her, the others Zasha had sent clearing up the flanks approaching her, seeing the fear in the eyes of his soldiers the general himself came up to challenge Lia. Parting ways, the soldiers allowed their commander to walk through. The man motivating his men drew his sword approaching Lia, walking fast, faster and then running towards her, raising his sword over his head in a scream he tried to launch an attack but suddenly stopped, paralyzed and then toppling backwards over the corpses of his own men, a throwing knife sticking from his forehead.

Lia acting as if she had squatted a fly shook her head, was silent and started walking. The enemy army in disarray, began falling back, retreating as fast as they could and no one daring to approach the armored warriors.

Soon enough battalions of white wolves, arrived and those who could not escape were taken prisoner.


"You okay now?" Zasha inquired.

"Err yeah, I kinda killed their general" Lia answered.


"I know that, ... I am sorry ... I just," Lia had a pleading look on her face looking at Zasha with puppy dog eyes her index fingers pressing each other, her face red with embarrassment, her bipolar nature digging in.

"YOU ER SORRY... oh ya er gonna make up for this. Not takin you anywhere for a month, gonna do all the paper work and you er grounded" Zasha spoke quickly with fury as the rest of her men smiled at the show they had grown accustomed to see, at times Lia scolding Zasha and at times the other way around, these two women had grown to be great friends.


Back at their stronghold, just as Zasha was about to sleep an alert was issued, requiring her presence,

"OH, YOU AVE GOT TO BE FUCKIN KIDDIN ME!" She exclaimed as she got up preparing to leave for the desert of Alfana.