He stood there his head slightly tilted, gazing at the woman before him. Humans were so fragile, and yet this one had managed to kill one of his own kind. Surly an act worthy of praise.

And yet she looked as fragile as the rest of them. Humans had short life spans as it was and yet this one was taking on perils that would result in certain death.

What was it that drove these humans so far, are they blind of death . . . do they not fear it?

He knew that inherently humans feared death and perhaps it was that same fear that granted them such power. However, this woman had faced off against the red one and won, what could possibly be her story.

Kaiser was reluctant to fight Iliea, she must have lived a very harsh life to get to this point he thought. Ending her seemed like a fickle task, but if he did kill her, what would the meaning of life be to him, himself.

Kaiser thought, to have fought, to have strived so hard to survive, only to be slain by a force many times stronger. Such a life would truly be sad, death he thought must hold a meaning.

This woman seemed unlike all the lives that had ended at Kaiser's hand, they lacked the will to survive, rather the ferocity with which this woman's desire to live burned. And even so she stood facing him, a Dragon many times stronger. Kaiser did not want to kill Iliea, he did not want to take upon him the burden of extinguishing such a flame, if anything he wanted to know more about his adversary. Who she was and why and how did she slay a Dragon before him?

The lightly armored giant of a man stood in front of the famed Dragon slayer. The man stood relaxed and calm in contrast to the tension in the air and the face of Iliea, who in turn was already calculating numerous different means of achieving victory over this foe. Kaiser spoke in a heavy yet gentle voice that expressed his composure as the blizzard momentarily calmed down.

"You, marked child, who was slain by your hand?"

Taken aback at the question Iliea raised an eyebrow,

"What do you mean by marked?" she questioned directly.

"You have slain a dragon have you not?" Kaiser replied with a question of his own.

"Yes," the reply was direct and ruthless.

"A slain dragon imparts a curse upon the slayer, the curse is a marked aura that lets it's kind know." Kaiser explained with caution.

"So, the dragon I had slayed, marked me?" Iliea remarked to herself more than to her foe.


"A mark all other dragons can distinguish?"


"And you are a Dragon as well?"

Kaiser smiled a mature smile, and replied for a third time, "yes".

Iliea nodded and unconsciously took a step back, re-evaluating her entire strategy.

'I need more information before I decide how to proceed' she thought as she chose to reply to the initial question.

"I slew the beast that destroyed my home, Za'ab the Rampager," Iliea answered in a calculated tone, expressing the cause for her act as she answered.

"Za'ab the Rampager, I have heard that name before. Tell me child was this Dragon of the red clan?"

"Red clan?" Iliea questioned again,

Kaiser shook his head,

"For a Dragon slayer you don't know much about us, do you?"

Iliea suddenly feeling like a student who had not learnt her lesson dispelled the thought by answering straightforwardly,

"I only slew a beast, I cared not for else"

"Other than the emperor and his empire, there are several other kingdoms and states that hail to the dragons, our kind has nobility distinguished by colors based on the traits of the family. Za'ab appears to be a name from the Red dragons." Kaiser calmly began explaining.

"Which family are you associated with?" Iliea questioned out of curiosity.

"I am from the white clan."

Calmly processing the information, Iliea calculated her options. She could try and fight but now that she looked at the figure before her, she felt the gaping difference in their power. Perhaps if Zasha was with her, she could have won but the situation as it was proved to be dire.

The Dragon appeared to be wielding two swords, although most of him was covered by a cloak.

Would her weapons cut him if he remained in his humanoid form, Iliea pondered, what if he turned! ... What if she couldn't win?

Both Iliea and Kaiser stood at the platform. The Dragon having to cross on orders from his Queen and the Dragon slayer tasked to defend.


Both gazed at the other with intent, one thinking of ways to kill, the other pondering on excuses to spare.

This time Kaiser asked out of curiosity, "Tell, me more about Za'ab... why did he terrorize your people? Why do you call him a monster?"

Kaiser had an inkling that he knew of that name.

Iliea decided to stall for time hoping to gain any sort of advantage she could, observing his expressions and temperament.

"I do not know why he terrorized my people. I call him a monster because he destroyed my entire city without mercy," Iliea answered in a cold voice.

"Which city would that be?" Kaiser asked trying to affirm his doubts.

"The fallen city of Wa'lis," Iliea gripped her sword tighter, sensing a slight opening.

"Wa'shis, so indeed, your Za'ab the Rampager is our Za'ab the fool," Kaiser commented.

"The fool?" Iliea pondered.

"It was many years ago, in a land far. A story was known of a Dragon having fallen in love with a human girl. At that time in those lands, the humans were fearful of the Dragons, as they always were but in this case their fear made them fight." Kaiser began, his words measured, "The humans with their magic and with the help of other beings who instigated them, killed many residing in their lands until the Dragons retaliated. Although the empire intervened and stopped the clashes, a hate and envy were set in the hearts of men," Kaiser had begun telling the story standing quite still as Iliea had started moving in an arc around him looking for an opening wide enough.

"It was during those times that the said Dragon fell in love with a human girl. Their love was mutual and in order to be together, the Dragon in his human form resided with her, his true identity unknown to all but his wife," Kaiser could see how Iliea was not regarding his words much.

"Eventually she was caught and killed in front of him, his daughter taken away, and the city it happened in was Walis" Kaiser paused, a hand on his own blade now as well.

"The story goes that he took his revenge on the city for many years, till a girl who looked exactly like the daughter he had lost killed him," Kaiser was now observing Iliea, who in the heat of combat in her mind knew not to trip over the words of her opponent.

"It is highly possible that the girl indeed was his child." Kaiser added, as Iliea finally struck, her attack precise, the opening she had spotted accurate. Kaiser took the blow and smiled as her effort was in vain, the strike that had cut through his armor managed only to scratch the hard skin of the dragon.

Jumping back by several feet, Iliea realized her normal weapons would not work against this foe, now brandishing her black sword. She looked at Kaiser once more.

Kaiser too wanting to honor her, transformed into the dragon that he was. His height growing along with his wings, as his form transfigured, Iliea could not help but back up more.

Within moments before her stood a mighty dragon, its scales of a grayish white color, it was grand, to the point that Iliea was only as big as his claw, perhaps.

Kaiser spoke, the voice coming from within him,

"Now dragon slayer, show me your worth"

As if prompted, Iliea lunged at her foe, her black sword able to deal damage, but even with that Kaiser was stronger. Not only was he larger but also faster, his motion was in no way hindered by his size, and his strength increased by many folds only proved to hinder his opponent.

Claws against sword, he threw the dragon slayer hard into the earth, still not finishing her. For some reason he did not wish to end this life. Instead, he entertained her. Though he could easily overpower her, he allowed her to try, if only to see her resolve.


"Listen to me," there was dead seriousness in Cyer's voice.

Being struck by the lightening lance Kenviar along with Cyer and Kai had plummeted down. still conscious Kenviar moaned in agony, while Cyer quick to recover firmly held Kai by the face.

"Get out of here, run!" He spoke with a fierce determination,

"What about you?" Kai still bewildered asked.

"I am no good, my leg, it got hit as well," Cyer spoke in a coarse voice, "but forget about me. I am an assassin; you have to get out of here."

Kai looked at Kenviar who having gotten struck, observed his wings.

"FUCKKKKK, THAT HURTS" he bellowed as he folded his damaged wing.

"I don't..." Kai began but was cut off by Cyer.

"It's okay, Kai ... its fine," he said now looking at Kenviar, who still in agony nodded.

"Run as fast as you can, get far away. I will hold Zasha here" Cyer began bandaging his leg.

Kai raised an eyebrow as Kenviar stepped closer putting an arm around Kai mentioning for him to accept what Cyer had said.

"Who do you think I am?" Cyer said smiling a reassuring smile.

Kai was forced to step back as Ken pushed him.

Cyer thought for a while, then reached into his pocket. Taking out an orb, the size of a large Apple,

"Take this, and in case you have no options left and can't think of any alternative, throw this at the ground." he spoke quickly adjusting the device by rotating the upper half of it, then tossing it lightly at Kai who caught it. Breaking from Kenviar' s grip Kai approached the injured Cyer yet again as he saw the steeds of Zasha, and her knights appear in the distance.

"No!" Cyer screamed, holding his own bleeding leg, as Kai and Kenviar got ready to fight, "One must know which battles to take and which to avoid," Cyer added lowering his voice.

"But we can't get far with that condition of yours," Kai answered raising his voice over the noise of the blizzard that was picking up once more, ignoring what had been said earlier, he did not want to leave his friend behind.

"Leave me be, I am Cyer. I can get away on my own, trust me. The only problem was getting out of that castle"

"But..." Kai began again.

"Kai, Cyer is right, if he says he can get away let's trust him. We mustn't let the knights surround us," Ken also added.

"Okay then," Kai said looking straight into the eyes of Cyer, "I trust you, let us meet again someday." He spoke with resolve.

"If fate would have it, yes let us. "

"Don't you need this more than us?" Ken asked indicating at the orb that Cyer had handed Kai.

"Aww! the demon is worried? Kenviar I am an assassin, there are plenty more where that came from, NOW GO!"

"This is goodbye then I guess," Kai said as Cyer nodded with a smile.

"Yes, my friend, until we meet again."


The sounds of roars and clanging of swords and weapons raged all around, above the hilltop appeared Zasha with her knights on top of armored horses, as they caught sight of Cyer and company, they raced forward.

"GET THAT BASTARD!" Zasha yelled as the horses galloped down towards them.

"Zasha they are splitting up," One of the knights pointed out as he saw Ken taking hold of Kai.

"OH, FUCK NO YOU DON'T"! Zasha was yelling as she threw the spear she held in her hand, imbued with magic, the spear-streaked forward like lightening and almost struck Ken again. A blast on impact none the less, as Ken along with Kai slammed into the ground. The demon's entire back was bleeding. Ken tried to stand up once more.

"SHIT, THESE SPEARS... KAI WE WILL HAVE TO RUN FOR IT!" Ken screamed, genuinely worried as the Crimson blade sped towards them. Taking hold of Kai's arm again, Ken sprinted, bleeding as he did, trying to get some distance between them.

"Your order Zasha" Asked another knight as he saw this.

"Well FUCK, Go on a'ead, surroun em capture em, kill that fucking demon he won't be able to use his magic for some time, Try not to kill the brat but if he is a bother get rid of him as well. Screw that old man. No one fucks with me and gets away with it." Zasha barked out orders, "I will deal with the assassin!"

On her command the knights altered course, their mounts galloped even faster, as Kai and Ken went down the next hill.

Cyer stood straight, having seen to his leg as best as he could, he looked directly at Zasha as the other knights raced by his sides.

"You ev got guts kid, I give ya that much," Zasha spoke dismounting, when close enough to Cyer.

The clouds that had been overseeing the sight finally started to rain, the sounds of the drops continuous and calming as cold wind blew through the landscape. The falling water revealed green grass beneath the snow. All the battles were drawing to a close, it seemed the draconians were fleeing. The blizzard turned to rain, a torrent.

Cyer shook his head, smiling. "Lady Zasha, the crimson blade, " He said addressing Zasha who stood a few steps away from him.

"Aye, But I don't know you"

"Well seeing as this is the end, let me tell you a story." Cyer smiled.

"I aint got time for stories kid," Zasha said as she withdrew her sword,

Cyer did the same and continued "I shall entertain you while we fight" he said as he slashed at the armored figure in front of her, his attack so direct that she barely managed to avoid it with only the tip of his sword scratching her armor. The attack was so fast, human eyes could barely keep up.

"Aahaha, this seems like it's goin to be fun," Zasha smiled as well as she counter attacked, hacking at him with brute strength. Cyer deflected the blow to his side, as soon as he did Zasha kicked him square in the chest flinging him several yards away.

Cyer got up smiling as well as they continued their bout.

"I am number three hundred and sixty-eight," Cyer said as he jumped at Zasha, striking her with his sword held in both hands while she simply slapped him away with her own, "Known as Cyer these days," Cyer continued as he sprang like a snake from the ground, aiming at Zasha's side, his sword like a sting ready to pierce her heart. Zasha calmly stepped away and counter attacked with a side slash forcing Cyer to change his direction.

"But my given name was Cyril," he said as he planted his sword into the earth and performed a roundhouse kick using it as a pivot and managing to kick Zasha with blades that reached from his boots.

"I am an assassin from the dark continent."

The kick managed to dent Zasha's armor as she raised her eyes,

"You are from the dark continent?" She asked a bit surprised, turning sharply and breaking the blade that had gotten stuck in her armor.


"This thing is shittier than I imagined," Zasha mused as she struck at Cyer's planted leg forcing him to jump to the side, they both swung their swords at each other again, striking and parrying, little by little wounds accumulating on both, the assassin with the major brunt of them.

"I was told you were the bastard Allen's boy."

"I was assigned to Allen, to keep an eye on him as well as to obey him. It seems he is up to something the mentors don't approve."

"That makes sense, that asshole is a pain in everybody's side."

"Yes, yes he is. He is sharp, always keeping me at a safe distance."

"So, what is going on?" Zasha had halted her strikes.

"Ah, war, Lady Zasha, war is approaching." Cyer said as he took out a second shorter sword catching his breath, "I think Ken and Kai would have made it to Azmia's territory by now, no?" as Cyer spoke, A knight contacted Zasha telepathically,

"Zasha, we gave chase, but the demon was fast. We can catch up if we try but this is Azmia's domain now."

"Keep perusing, we will deal with Azmia when we have to," She replied as she locked eyes with Cyer, "What 'appens now, num'er Three six eight?"

"The memories", Cyer laughed in a low tone as Zasha called out his number, charging at the woman before him again.

Zasha stuck the ground causing a blast throwing Cyer of his feet, and like the wind Zasha sped forward. Her hair flying behind her as she appeared right next to Cyer, striking at his side, cutting through. The sword left a heavy wound, as blood started gushing out.

"I needed them to enter Azmia's domain, that time barrier is impregnable otherwise." Cyer smiled while gasping.

"So, you used him?" Zasha replied, her mind racing. The assassin knew about the time barrier.

"Aye, an assassin must use whatever means," Cyer let out in a low voice as he burnt close his wound with his right-hand flaming, casting the same flame at Zasha he jumped at her. The flames turned into a flaming serpent and struck at her again and again as Cyer attacked from the other side.

"Zasha, we have them surrounded they have nowhere to go." A knight's message came again, Zasha looked at Cyer who had a grin on his face.

"Who exactly are you assassin?"

"Seeing as I have done everything I could, allow me to tell you everything Lady Zasha." Cyer's voice barely above a whisper, sounding of a person who had found peace.

Zasha planted her sword in the snow and sat down cross legged, with a soft thud, as Cyer with a nod smiled and let himself down on the ground as well, with a sigh of pain as he set his injured self.

Their battle at a pause.

He and Zasha had had a rather long spar, it had been quite some time since Zasha had met such a foe. He was underhanded and lethal. Strong enough to fend off against her for as long as he did. She decided to grant him the honor of listening to his tale before finishing him off, an honor she had allowed only a few.

Cyer understanding that this might actually be his last battle too wanted to tell at least someone the truth of his mission here, perhaps just to relish it a bit more.

And so he begun.

"Do you know of the lady Tariyel, the queen of the dark elves from the astral realm?"

"Tha' misses of Ed'gar I know er."

"Yes, I believe that would be her, well as I told you, I have ties with the Dark Continent too," Cyer spoke as he inspected his own wounds, the lance had grazed rather deep, taking away a chunk of flesh.

"ay'e" Zasha noted, looking at this young boy who was beginning to fascinate her.

"You know what, never mind." Cyer remarked as he looked up at the lady who was as beautiful as she was free willed. Her red hair and freckled face prominent.

"Ahaan, wha' was yer mission?" Zasha inquired thinking how Tariyel fitted into all this and the Dark Continent.

"You will find out when it's done." he counted off on his fingers. His missions in his own mind, four fingers he had brought up. Zasha raised an eyebrow.

"Who gave ya the mission" Zasha asked instead.

Cyer shook his head, a sly smile on his face.

"Tariyel plans to 'ave Edgar attack Philip?" Zasha spoke what was on her mind.

"How am I supposed to know my lady?" Cyer answered, a smirk on his face, "The matters of the wolves are beyond the understanding of a simple mind like mine," he spoke as he saw the crimson blade glisten with blood his own.

"We assassins are amazing actors you know," His voice was light and humorous, heck this mission was supposed to be the highest-class assignment, and here I am done in merely a few months," Cyer's laughter mixed with his coughing.

"What do you mean done?" Zasha now at her wits end.

"You will find out soon enough," Cyer repeated, having caught his breath he clung to his swords again, and Zasha to hers. Both fighters stood again, Cyer supporting himself partially on his blades.

And with a clang they started again, this time both with more fury than before, it was the final clash.

Cyer with his twin blade, his attacks swift, sharp and agile, despite his being injured the young Assassin let loose a volley of slashes and stabs, each with the potential to kill. Zasha skill fully parried them all. The Assassin's years of training and experience were being displayed superbly, all his blows lethal, all his actions lightning fast, so much so that even Zasha one of the strongest warriors of her time was forced to be on the defensive. Her short height had never proven to be as disadvantageous as it did today, her shorter reach being abused by her opponent. It was pure skill being displayed and she relished it.

Her blade swung in the air like lightening, countering attacks from both the assassin's blade, and soon she decided to take the front foot. She was a master swordswoman, and her superior skill screamed, as she launched a fury of strikes wilder and faster than that of the assassin's double blades.

hacks and slashes, her sword cut clean through one of Cyer's blades, realizing the futility of having a head to head collision, he decided to deflect and slide rather than to block, the crimson blade thirsting for more.

finally, Zasha kicked Cyer in the abdomen, finding an opening, knocking him down. Imbalanced due to his injured foot, Cyer fell and in a fleeting attempt the assassin's entire body turned to black smoke.

Passing through Zasha he emerged behind her, a dagger stabbed into her back, or it would have but to his surprise Zasha had a second weapon as well. A knife of her own, and the striking dagger of the assassin was thwarted by the second weapon that was positioned at impulse.

Caught by surprise and shock, Cyer could do little as the crimson blade swung, striking his neck, moving in a full arc as Zasha turned.

The young Assassin's head went souring in the sky, a look of disbelief frozen in his eyes. On his lips, a faint smile had begun to appear upon contact of the blade and him realizing his fate.

Cyer's body fell, knee first, blood turning the snow red, it was only then that Zasha realized that his attack were not missing her completely but rather being deflected from the vitals barely as she found herself cut at almost every part of her body.

The assassin had indeed managed to kill her many times over, had poison affected her, she had managed to save her vitals, but she was exhausted.

Cyer's head landed beside the body.