Week 2: Which World Would You Choose?

You then ask, "who can put me back into my body?"

to which she replies: "that would be a strongly discouraged course of action, first you would feel the pain caused by the fact that your body has already started to decay, second your family has already found your body so you have to think of how it'd affect them, third as my punishment for having to rely on another rather than solving it myself I will be forced to share a body with you, regardless of either of our protests, so I urge you to accept my solution."

You: "What's in this new world?"

Her: "Well, there are three possible worlds I can send you to; a fantasy world with magic and races your world calls mythical, a steampunk apocalyptic world whereas there was a chi apocalypse that destroyed all electricity, and a world almost identical to your own that no person that exists in your world exists in."

You: "Which world would you choose?"

Her: "Personally if I were to choose one to live in myself, being what I am, I choose the simplest of the world's, just to live a simple life, the one like yours. Though if I were in your shoes, as you have already lived in such a world, I'd suggest the fantasy world, it's safer than the apocalyptic world, but it's not so much like yours."

You: "If I go to the world like mine, would I be the only one?"

Her: "You'd be the only one from your world, but there'd be many other humans and animals in that world as there are in yours."

You: "So can I check out each one to see what they're like before making my decision?"

Her: "Sure, however you won't be able to interact at all, it'll be like a virtual reality tour through the worlds, I can take you now if you like?"

You: "How will it work though?"

Her: "we'll be like ghosts wondering through the world we'll be completely undetectable and able to go anywhere ignoring solid/liquid/gas."

You: "Let's go!"

Her: "Okay, I'll take you to the fantasy world first."

You then have a sensation that feels like something around you changed.


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Author's Note: if you are reading this in English and are not reading it for free then please contact Author DeJeL on Webnovel.com