Week 19: Sects

You: "Are there any dangers to Qi?"

Kore: "I will make sure the only danger you would face is possible backlashes from doing things whereas you don't have enough Qi, or from someone else braking your spell."

Kore: "However, when Qi was first released there were many who's bodies couldn't adapt to the new energy. They developed what would later be called Qi sickness. Qi sickness only happens when you try to force more Qi into your body than it can handle. For the first people that developed it, their bodies could not handle any, and as Qi gravitated towards all living things, it forced itself into their bodies, destroying them from the inside out."

You: "How do I prevent that from happening to me? Oh, and I forgot to ask you, how many sects are there and what are they?"

Kore: "As I already said, I will make sure you don't have to worry about Qi sickness other than maybe if either you purposefully try to take in more Qi than your body can handle, or if someone pushes extra Qi into your body."

Kore: "Now as far as the number of sects, there are about half as many small sects as there were cities. Same relation between medium sects and counties/Providences. Also Countries and Large sects. and Then there are 7 Grand sects, 3 in Asia, and 1 in each North America, South America, Africa, and Australia."

Kore: "Every Sect of each size is under a sect of a larger size with exception to the Grand Sects which don't answer to anyone other than each other."

Kore: "Sects are basically like cities commonly surrounded with walls with a structure where there is a king of the city and their most trusted get positions of power within the city... the King always being the most powerful."

You: "Is there a sect close by, and if so could I look around?"

Kore: "Small sects are not really worth checking out, however there are 4 sects of note on these islands formerly known as Japan. 3 Medium and 1 Large. And the closest Grand Sect is Zhōnghuá where the capital of China use to be. Would you like to visit one of the medium sects, the large sect, or go and visit the Grand sect?"

You: "I would like to see the Grand Sect."

Kore: "Alright, I'll take you to Zhōnghuá now."

You see the land disappear from below your feet as if you were falling up, you then fly quickly through the sky while feeling nothing different than if you were just standing still. You then descend into the middle of a bustling street whereas people keep walking right through you.

You: "Well, this is weird. So... what type of things are there to do here? Oh, and I never asked you, when I decide on a world, will I have a place to live?"

Kore: "Do you want only above board options, or do you want black market type options too?"

Kore: "As far as a place to stay though, that depends on which of 3 options you choose. The one I'd do, as it's the easiest for me, if you leave it up to me is to put you into the body of an adult who has no soul yet their body is still alive. If that's what happens, it depends on if they have a place to stay. the second option is I put you into the body of an infant that would else wise have been still borne. I will make sure that you survive to adulthood if that's your choice, that includes you having a place to stay. The third and most difficult option for me is remaking your old body, making it suitable for the world you choose. If this is what you choose, you will have to make your own way. I will however start you off with enough money for a week's room and board."


If you wish to choose what happens next and are at least 18 years of age download Pococha and look for Redstone_Source.

Author's Note: if you are reading this in English and are not reading it for free then please contact Author DeJeL on Webnovel.com