Chapter 11 I Study Financial Management_1

"Ye Tong, you can't just stir up trouble like this..."

"Brother Hao, don't worry about me, go all out!" Wuzang said solemnly, taking a deep breath and his pupils contracted instantly, "Be careful."


Stepping out, the fighting arena shook violently, and a punch was thrown, the Middle Punch.

This punch, devoid of any fancy moves, left no room for Li Hao to retreat: there was no choice for Li Hao but to intercept it with his right hand, which pushed him back. Wuzang's left hand chopping at his ribs, Li Hao slapped it away, nimbly turned, and retreated to the other side.

By this time, everyone could tell that Li Hao had not used his full strength. These movements may seem easy, but if he missed a single defensive step, Li Hao would be flat on the floor, waiting on immediate aid.

Wuzang frowned, chose not to pursue an attack, but instead looked at Li Hao, "Brother Hao, are you underestimating me? I hope you'll fight me seriously."

Everyone in class 16 knew that when Wuzang started to stiffen, it meant he was getting serious. The man was a martial arts fanatic with no other hobbies. Last time he came across an opponent he was interested in, he stalked the guy, a senior from the Mecha Department, for a week. He even followed him to the bathroom until they fought.

Li Hao also knew about this, and if he didn't satisfy Wuzang, life would be unbearable. With a helpless shrug, Li Hao agreed, "Alright."

Wuzang's body slowly tensed, muscles twitching and veins bulging. He slowly took his stance, realizing from their initial skirmish that regular attacks weren't enough to suppress Li Hao. He would have to rely on the true skill taught by the Wu Family.

Wuzang slowly advanced, step by step, maintaining an oppressive stance while closing the gap with Li Hao. The moment he was within a distance where he had absolute control, his body sprung forward like a tightly drawn bow being released.


Wuzang charged like a tiger descending a mountain, with a deafening roar from his belly. His footwork paired with the twist of his waist, he threw a punch that seemed to reach Li Hao instantaneously.

Wu Style - Sky Communication Fist.

However, in the almost guaranteed moment of victory, Wuzang's body suddenly stiffened. Sweating profusely and pupils dilating rapidly, his once calm aura collapsed, and his breathing became ragged and heavy.

Li Hao had already moved to his side, their bodies almost touching; Li Hao's right hand was at his throat. If this had been a real fight, Wuzang would already be dead.

The training ground fell silent. The Wu Family was a famous ancient martial arts family in the Asia District. These ancient martial arts had fallen out of favor, but with the mastery of golden genes, they gradually rose to prominence and became an important force in USE, producing numerous military elites.

Each generation of the Wu Family had a member who was a martial arts guest lecturer in the Tianjing Military Zone. With strict family teachings, a good foundation, and almost crazy dedication to martial arts, the career of a soldier was perfect for them. As a freshman, Wuzang had been identified as the core of Tianjing's mecha arts resurgence.

If you speak of mecha and combat, there might be a layer of separation due to operation and mecha diversity, but when it comes to pure combat, Wuzang was undoubtedly a deity.


Wuzang's face was a little pale while Li Hao had already relaxed his hand, casually throwing his arm around Wuzang's neck, "What's the big deal, buddy? Just a friendly sparring match. You Wu guys are especially skilled with the sword. Every skill has its own specialty."


Ye Tong had already started clapping. Li Hao frowned, "Ye Tong, what are you up to?"

Everyone else also felt that Ye Tong was really targeting Li Hao.

Ye Tong looked at Wuzang, "Brother Wuzang, there's no need to be discouraged. It's your honor to lose to Brother Hao."

Brother Hao?

Li Hao was also stunned, staring blankly at Ye Tong, when suddenly a chubby little figure appeared in his mind.

You... you're Little Fatty?"

Ye Tong's eyes welled up and she bit her lip lightly, humming indignantly, "Second Brother, it took you this long to recognize me."

Li Hao felt a bit embarrassed, but also a bit poignant, "Haha, haha, not exactly, umm, Wee you that little back then? You were chubby. Girls sure change a lot when they grow up."

The others were dumbfounded. Wasn't Li Hao an orphan? How could he suddenly have a younger sister?

Realizing everyone's confusion, he lightly patted Ye Tong on the shoulder, "She's the younger sister of a brother from my youth class. She was a backup in our youth class. I didn't know your full name was Ye Tong. I always thought it was Nangong Tong."

The youth class only had around six hundred official members, but a significant portion of others were kept as backups, and Ye Tong was one of them, occasionally coming to play with them.

Ye Tong nodded and leaned gently on Li Hao. Everyone continued to be gobsmacked. The virtuous Ye Tong was exhibiting such dependency.

Watching the two, Wu Zang suddenly remembered a sensational incident from a few years ago that caused a stir among the Solar System Union's higher-ups.

It occurred in the Solar System Youth Class. The Union had good intentions—gather the elites, let them struggle, and unleash their genetic potential to its maximum.

However, when a group of rebellious and rowdy young people gathered together, in addition to the fierce competition between Earth, the Moon, and Mars at the time, gang fights were pretty common. The Union didn't mind—it was their intention. The fiercer the better. In fact, the initial results were quite good.

However, conflict arose between Nangong Yuhang, the leader of the Earth faction in the Youth Class, and Hilian Murphy from the Moon. For unknown reasons, the previously neutral Martians suddenly joined the Moon's side. Earth suffered a loss, and Nangong Yuhang was killed on the spot by two moon people.

Nobody knew, but Ye Tong had been involved. Li Hao wasn't there that day, and it was only after the Moon people took action that she informed him. When Li Hao rushed over, he stopped her at the door and locked it.

When the guards opened the door, the two who had killed Nangong Yuhang were already dead. Hilian Murphy was severely injured and was on the brink of death. If the guards hadn't arrived in time, perhaps he would have died.

The Nangong family was one of the five prominent ancient martial arts families, with considerable influence and reputation in the USE military. The Murphy Family of the NUP, however, was even more terrifying— they were the covert boss of the Moon Federation Reserve Committee. Still, after all, Nangong Yuhang was dead, and the two "murderers" had been killed on the spot by Li Hao, leaving only Hilian, who the Murphy Family had high hopes for, barely clinging to life. So, the higher-ups could no longer press the issue.

In the end, Li Hao still became the scapegoat. Even though there was justification, it was deemed excessive self-defense, resulting in a sentence of a year in prison. Afterward, he vanished without a trace and the Apocalypse Youth Class was disbanded.

Ye Tong was actually Nangong Yuhang's younger sister by the same mother, which made her surname "Ye". The Ye Family was also one of the ancient martial arts families. The union of the two families was intended to be a powerful alliance. Nangong Yuhang's premature death dealt a significant blow to both families.

"Everyone, let me reintroduce us. This is my second brother, my hero, my idol. Please take care of us from now on." She said, wrapping her arm around Li Hao's.

Li Hao looked at Ye Tong, vaguely recalling her childhood appearance. She had lost her baby fat. His memory suddenly took him back five years. Much had happened, and much had changed.

A year in prison... the outcome was a bit unexpected, and the process was somewhat prolonged. However, Li Hao didn't appeal. Indeed, he never expected much from others to begin with.

During that time, his strength increased dramatically, and he broke through his limits once again. After a year, he was released, returned to prep school for a few years, applied for the News Department of Tianjing mecha, but somehow ended up in the Mecha Department.

"Ye Tong, you've grown up," Li Hao sincerely stated, finding it hard to associate the mature Ye Tong of now with the chubby little girl he once knew.

"Oh, there you go again, always so old-fashioned. You'll be a bachelor forever if you keep this up!" Ye Tong joked, "Can you believe it? He was like this even when he was in his teens."

Li Hao indulgently tried to pat Ye Tong's head, but she deftly dodged. "Enough, I'm not a child. Captain, you should thank me. Li Hao is very strong. If he can integrate his fighting skills into mecha combat, he'll surely be formidable."

Li Hao laughed and explained to everyone about his past. It would cause more trouble if it was not clarified. However, he did not go into detail— merely seeing that the past conflicts had terrible outcomes. "This happened a long time ago, and I don't want to stir up trouble. Please help me keep this secret. Also, Captain, I'm a ticking time bomb. I'm okay playing sparring partner or doing drills, but I'm not cut out for official matches. It might even drag down the entire team."

Zhou Naiyi and the others were struggling to digest the news. They could never have imagined that the infamous dissolution of the Solar System Youth Class was related to the person before them. The Murphy family's existence was something that anyone would recognize. Previously, they were the leaders of the NUP currency reserve, and one of the three major families of the NUP. As the NUP's leading role gradually established dominance, the Murphy family would surely rise with the tide.

Zhou Naiyi was the first to collect his thoughts, his expression returning to calm. "Li Hao, don't get too confident. Although fighting and mecha combat are related, they are still different. I guess you didn't start interacting with mechas until you entered the Tianjing Mecha Military School, did you?"

Li Hao nodded, "It's true. I was studying financial management in the preparatory class..."

Everyone, including Ye Tong, was dumbfounded. Li Hao helplessly shrugged, "Ah, I put a lot of thought into that choice. You all know that I'm broke. The program itself was great, wide-ranging, covering management, operations, stock trading, wealth advancement, but they never told me where to get the funds..."

Everyone couldn't help but laugh at Li Hao's innocent expression. The Youth Class was a thing of the distant past. Li Hao was still that same Li Hao.

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