Chapter 25 Fire Spider_1

These words immediately sparked a heated argument in the live streams, be it Zhuang Zhou's or the Fireman's.

The Dark Harvester was no unknown name, he was a third-year student at the Mars Gate Special A-class Military Academy even though he used an anonymous ID in ROM. The military academy was quite distinctive as they specialized in various unique terrains, such as the numerous cave terrains on Mars.

This was a unique Martian terrain feature. You could say that people who weren't familiar with the environment would not be able to play at their full strength. The Dark Harvester specialized in this combat environment. If it was an all-terrain combat, he might just be a B-grade player, but in Martian caves, he was definitely an S-grade player. Even many Mars players with 2000 points didn't want to compete with him in this terrain.

This was commonly known as a regional warrior.

In the Fireman's live stream, there was an uproar of cheers, praising and encouraging each comment, eagerly waiting to see what the puppet would do.

The comments in Zhuang Zhou's live stream began hurling all sorts of insults. The consensus was that Mars people were "shameless". Their way of thinking was quite unique. As challengers, they didn't have the right to choose the battleground, but they brazenly claimed it as their own right.

The Fireman calmly watched as a bunch of USE minions in his live stream discussing fairness and justice, making him want to laugh.

"The Dark DJ is a real character. Some viewers may not know this, but he specializes in Mars cave terrain, trains and learns in this combat environment every day. So, it's only natural for him to make this request for the challenge, why would anyone pay for a challenge without this condition, right? What is EMP combat for? Victory?" The Fireman chuckled before shaking his head, "Of course not, that's just vanity. It's about gaining growth through combat, training hard to bleed less on the battlefield, and the main focus of this combat lies in the choice of the battlefield. So, viewers should understand, but it's fine if they don't."

There's no denying that the Fireman's followers were firmly supportive. They completely agreed with this argument. If a battle was to be fought, one has to go all out.

Plenty of USE viewers were absolutely infuriated by these grand words. Who the hell trains in such a small environment?

Martian institutions might cover some of it, but if Puppet was from USE, he might not even have entered such a combat environment before.

How could he fight?

But this uproar didn't last long, because Puppet had already made a choice.

Combat Environment: Martian Cave Terrain.

Mecha: Armor Dragon III.

Zhuang Zhou was still contemplating how to counter the Martians, and Puppet had already made his choice.

Zhuang Zhou was stunned for more than ten seconds, "The Martian cave terrain is extremely rugged and dark, and the temperature is also quite high. I wonder if Puppet has trained for this. This may not be an issue; experts are known for their adaptability to surroundings. However, if I remember correctly, the night vision system of Armor Dragon is standard grade, which would be severely limited in environments like Martian caves …"

The moment Puppet made his choice, his opponent Dark DJ instantly chose his own mecha, definitely not giving Puppet a chance to change his mind. Even if he made a wrong choice, he would have to stick with it.

Fire Spider Mech!

A specialized mecha from the ROM Federation, specifically designed for various dark and underground environments. It's a masterpiece of one of the most renowned mecha designers on Mars, Rongmo. This mimic mecha, shaped as a cave spider, with its eight-legged form, flexible claws, can comfortably tread through the rugged darkness and move at high speed. Even its movement differs from the norm, it's hard to control, but once mastered, it's a force to be reckoned with in caves.

And the Dark DJ was one of the top five Fire Spider Mech users in the EMP ranking.

"Did Puppet make a mistake? How can you fight with this? The opponent is way too shameless!"

"Even if he wins, it's nothing to brag about."

"Restart, restart!"

"Support to restart!"

The EMP hall in Tianjing was bursting with collective anger, everyone was shouting for a restart. Any military student with some sense knew this was not a competition, but torture. A strange environment against oppressive mecha types, there's no way to fight this. Surrendering is the only option, or else, he may become the laughing stock on the battlefield.

A Yoyou didn't understand why everyone was so excited. The same environment, both chose their preferred mecha, even if the environment was somewhat unfamiliar, could it make such a big difference?

But the moment she entered the battlefield, A Yoyou understood everything.

There was no light in the Martian caves, the dim light was emanated from the Mars thermal energy minerals. This mineral would severely interfere with the infravision night vision system of Armor Dragon III.

So, in this place, Armor Dragon III was essentially a blind.

Robbie and his team, who were about to begin their training, stopped in their tracks. Robbie couldn't help but rub his forehead; the situation seemed hopeless even though he never doubted Big Brother's skills. Armor Dragon III... this was way too desperate.

Because he had personally trained with Armor Dragon III in dark caves before. Forget about fighting, if he moved too fast, he'd just crash into walls everywhere. He could kill himself just by doing that. Armor Dragon III's auxiliary system seemed especially outdated in such an environment. If the night vision system was used, all moving objects would appear blurred.

On the other hand, the opponent's Fire Spider belonged to a light mecha class, its slender multi-jointed legs could easily traverse complex terrains.

Armor Dragon Mark III VS Fire Spider Mech

Fire Spider Mech ROM

Configuration: Light mecha 65 tons, eight-legged design with red-eye night vision system

Nuclear fusion-driven 360-degree spiral laser cannon mounted on the head, four short and four long legs, with the long legs supporting the mobility of the body, the short legs assisting in both mobility and attack, embellished with titanium gold blades at the tips.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the competition is about to start. Please let your friends who are too arrogant and ignorant to know that the Armor Dragon Mark III is blind in the Martian caves. Opportunities are fleeting. Today next year will be the death anniversary of the mech. Today, Dark DJ will stage a fight against the blind!"

Robbie and his team looked at one another, puzzled. No one with a sane mind would make such a choice. Let alone the Armor Dragon Mark III, even the Dragon God would find this environment extremely unpleasant. Thus, in the Mecha Martial Arts Championships, this could only be considered a single category competition, mainly because familiarity with the terrain plays a major role. Unless necessary for defense, who would specifically train in such a place?

Apart from the others, the Armor Dragon Mark III really had no other choice.

Everyone held their breath in anticipation. Would a miracle happen?

Two mecha warriors entered the Martian caves - it was dim, hot, humid, flashing fire crystals, everything was extremely uncomfortable.

The Armor Dragon mech moved a few steps and clearly lost its exceptional stability seen in the competitive field. Not only was the terrain rugged and uneven here, but there were also various dangerous, stalactite-shaped fire crystals.

At this moment, the first-person perspective of Armor Dragon Mark III and Fire Spider Mech appeared in the vision of the VIP spectators.

Everybody gasped in shock. In the vision of the Fire Spider Mech, the dark environment was stratified and the Armor Dragon was very clear. In contrast, in the vision of the Armor Dragon, everything in the cave was blurred, and the flashing red light was dizzying.

A sense of despair began to spread.


The Fire Spider Mech made its move. Obviously, in its way-too-familiar environment, the Fire Spider Mech moved as if on flat ground. Its eight legs moved swiftly and agilely through the rugged and complex environment, and it rapidly approached the Armor Dragon. Whoosh...

In the moment of approach, it flung two of its short legs, like a sickle, towards the Armor Dragon. This time, the Armor Dragon didn't perform a grand evasive move like it used to. Although it tried to maintain distance, it was a beat too slow and got hit.

The Fire Spider Mech that landed a hit rebounded quickly, Dark DJ broke out into a cold sweat. He hadn't expected that the other party could still counterattack under these circumstances. As he dodged, the Armor Dragon's titanium gold blade was drawn, but it did not hit the target.

In this environment, the Fire Spider Mech was too agile. Of course, Dark DJ came prepared. He had watched all of Puppet's previous fights. This guy had very strong close combat skills, but his arrogance was boundless.

He needed to be cautious.

Thud thud thud…

The Fire Spider Mech moved around the cave, not eager to attack. The Armor Dragon Mech, on the other hand, had stopped moving. Apparently, keeping still was its only choice at this point.

Thud thud thud…

As it orbited, the Fire Spider Mech suddenly launched an attack from the side. It swung its two short legs abruptly. Even though they are shorter, their maximum attack range is still longer than that of the titanium gold blade. If the Armor Dragon wants to counterattack, it must precisely move into the attack range. That is, if it can catch the opponent's movement. Otherwise, it can only wait to be hit passively.

Clang clang clang…

Sparks flew as the titanium gold blade and the claws clashed. The Fire Spider Mech swiftly pulled away and didn't engage in prolonged combat. Once it broke contact, the Armor Dragon became a blind man.

"Puppet has to pay for his arrogance. It's clear that he's judging his location through sound and blurry vision, and that he has some experience. But Dark DJ won't let him succeed. This is a dark hunt!" Fire Man regained his confident smile, standing high above, his calm demeanor tinged with a sense of satisfaction.

This is the attitude of the Big Mars.

On the battlefield, Dark DJ of the Fire Mech is constantly launching attacks with swift and erratic movements. He doesn't engage in prolonged combat after each attack, but he's already achieved excellent results. The right arm of the Armor Dragon has been rendered useless in an unfortunate clash, sparks flying all around. The Armor Dragon can only wield the blade with its left hand. But so far, Puppet, who once crushed all obstacles, hasn't even touched the opponent.

Zhuang Zhou's livestream room has fallen into complete silence. The EMP hall of Tianjing Mecha is also silent. Some people have already left, either to go to training or to enjoy their weekends. They originally thought that Puppet had trained for this situation, or at least had some ideas. But looking at it now, he was just too arrogant.

Just a internet celebrity, who does he think he is?

The Armor Dragon fighting the Fire Spider Mech? Also in the dark Martian caves?

Even people courting death wouldn't act like this.