Chapter 75: Stepping on Shield, Soaring in Sky with a Dominating Spear! _1

Given the current situation, defense alone was not going to hold. The Tiger Shield was already somewhat battered; if this continues, it will certainly collapse at some point.

"For the Puppet, he can only wait for a mistake in Salas's movement, or for him to tire and slow down. Even then, he would only have one shot and it would be a double-edged sword – hitting would also mean dying. In theory, this outcome only has a one in ten thousand chance of happening." Huoman's face gradually reddened, because his assistant told him that his paid fans were exponentially growing, as was satisfaction. If the Puppet loses, there will definitely be big rewards from the boss.

The thought that his sweetheart would return to his arms made Huoman's face even rosier. Yes, the nightmare was about to end, and the Men of Mars would rise!

"All that remains is the Slim Chance of a Roaring Boom with an attack or even potentially a throw." Feynman said, completely engrossed.