Chapter 94 Sharpening the Knife_1

The USE Federal Military Commission has introduced a new method of power ranking for military schools, completely changing the former selection method. Past fame, teaching resources, and academics are not considered, only the current level of practical combat power is.

T0 North Carolina Military Academy (North America)

T1 Knights of the Round Table Military Academy (Europe)

Gruu Military Academy (Eurasia)

Royal Okan Man Military Academy (Europe)

T2 Americas Lions Military Academy (South America)

Royal Dome Military Academy (Oceania)

Jiyindao Military Academy (Asia)

Blackrock Military Academy (Africa)

Shark Military Academy (Asia)

Calv's Special Military Academy (North America)

North Carolina is known as the giant, historically, the former S-championship winner. Now, looking at the strongest being, Morning Blue Dragon and its fifteen generals, and a group of rising stars, recently Ye Tong's addition is the icing on the cake for North Carolina.