Chapter 96 Inheritance Rights_1

The so-called high-quality genes refer to those that are excellent in all aspects. The specific direction of development depends on environmental polishing and self-awakening. However, people like Huo Ying and Zuo Xiaotang have their optimization directions fixed from birth.

"Marlon, impressive, your potential is actually the highest." Lu Ying laughed, a genetic potential of 98 really was the cream of the crop. No wonder this guy is so laid-back yet manages to achieve great results. But if we're talking about who's laziest, Zuo Xiaotang would be the first with only 5% activation rate.

Teacher Marlon chuckled smugly, "Take a look at Li Hao's. I've always wanted to ask, always hesitant, scared of hurting our feelings?"

It wasn't just Marlon, everyone was also very curious. Lu Ying clicked on the instrument and the final report came out.

"Li Hao, 60, 1.02%, excessively primitive, adjustment recommended or consider not carrying on the lineage."