Chapter 129 Counter Dragon Drill Flash_1

The entire livestream room was silent, and the expressions varied in the EMP Halls of the military academies. Some were emotionally charged, as if they had been waiting for this moment for a long time. But in most Earth EMP Halls, their eyes were full of concern; progress till today was a kind of hope.

Right then, there was a loud bang, immediately waking everyone up.

The hit Armor-Dragon fighter had made its final flash strike.

A cold smile spread across Costa's lips. His laser shield blocked the lower half, and his laser eye fired, death!

At this moment, the Armor-Dragon fighter, though missing an arm and a leg, finally managed to get into close combat. But there was no hope left. Attacking the bottom was futile; the laser shield could easily block a heavy blow. And an upper attack, regardless of how fast the titanium knife is, couldn't compare to the speed of the laser eye; few times over before the titanium knife could even hit, Armor-Dragon would have been dead.
