Chapter 150: Dragon King Li Xiangshan - Declares War!_1

Sky Star Mecha Warrior, Dita was somewhat silent looking at the replay. She recalled a point from the previous week's meeting that Maxis and others emphasized - the current complacency of the NUP team. Was Freddy's level really that bad?

Obviously not. The foundation of the ultra-freeflow style was solid, and he had grasped the Golden Zone so he could fight in any way. The Puppet had been popular for so long, it couldn't possibly be incompetent. But looking at Freddy's performance, one can see that there's a problem. Any complex killer move, or substantial skill could only be used after suppressing the opponent's operational space. This kind of head-on display of skills, unless overpowering the opponent by one level and breaking through the opponent's operational limits, could only then be implemented.