Chapter 153 Another Stroke of the Sword!_1

Tita was barely managing to control her last bout of fury.

"Captain Tita, I really have something to do, really. If I'm late, the boss will dock my pay." Li Hao exclaimed.

At this moment, Tita truly felt as if she was being toyed with. Regardless of how poor she might be, she was still the captain of the Sky Star's Mecha team. What was this nonsense about delivering a takeaway? And running off after winning?

"No can do, I wasn't ready just now. I want a serious match!" Tita was not about to let him off so easily.

"How about tomorrow? Does tomorrow work?" Li Hao glanced at the time, growing anxious.

"Li Hao, I'm Aoyouyou's cousin!" Tita resorted to her trump card, hoping to control him.

Li Hao gave up, "Alright, one last round."

With no other choice, Li Hao dashed back to the training room in a hurry, hastily connected the equipment and logged in.

They were once again in the arena, pitting his Dark Night Saber against Tita's Gale Zero.