Chapter 184: God on the Summit_1

As the two of them emerged, Mo Yu watched Zuo Xiaotang with some surprise. He had underestimated the young gamer, who not only had been able to keep up with his shooting rate and accuracy, but had also managed to outmaneuver him at the end. He had assumed that Zuo's inability to control his Grey Reaper was due to continuous operations. However, Zuo managed to execute a successful backward air sniper move.

"You're impressive, Zuo Xiaotang, showed some serious skill back there. You'd better watch out next time!" Mo Yu chuckled. It wasn't so lonely having an opponent as unpredictable as him.

Zuo Xiaotang scratched his head a little bashfully. "Just luck, luck."

"Haha, it wasn't just luck. You can't develop the sense of touch you've demonstrated without years of practice," Mo Yu shook his head earnestly.

"Just a habit I picked up playing games with brother Hao."

Mo Yu stopped laughing, his expression turned serious as he looked at Li Hao, who was returning to his seat.