Chapter 292: Humans Controlled by Alien Civilization? _1

The next scene showed the excavation process of the exploration team underwater. "According to the carbon element dating, it is at least one hundred thousand years old. Most traces of civilization have already disappeared, but this discovery was still rewarding, and calculations were made to restore it."

Hillian said, as Venus floated beside him, waving his hand, a sprawling city appeared in the emptiness of space. Sky was filled with flying machines, some huge like battleships, and single-person flying machines that were extremely simple. Around them were complicated patterns, there were no apparent sources of energy. The people on them seemed as if everything was automated. Various giant marine creatures were like pets reared by humans, in a civilization that was very different from us.

What stunned everyone the most was that all the people here had three eyes, the eye on the forehead which seemed unfit to be called an "eye".