Chapter 316: Everything except the mouth is soft_1

Zuo Xiaotang was jerked awake by a splashing of cold water, complete with ice cubes, shivering as he jumped up and bumped his head on the ceiling. He felt wholly rejuvenated, full of energy, and noticed that Anita, in his sight, looked even more beautiful. There was also an unaccountable sense of warmth.

Anita likewise felt the warmth, a side effect, damn it. Li Hao was really a jerk, which made her even more irritated.

"Miss Anita, what happened,..." Zuo Xiaotang felt like he had been sleeping for a century. The feeling was very comfortable, sweet, and soft, however, he couldn't remember anything.

"Get out!" Anita didn't want to say even one more word, and threw Zuo Xiaotang out directly.

Zuo Xiaotang was still puzzled about what had happened. But he was a forgiving person. Straightening his clothes, he suddenly became cheerful. Although he found the situation violent, it was seemingly the first time he'd spent such a long time with a girl. ...Why did he smell so sweet?