Chapter 324 Ancestor Master_1

"Impossible, Hao is not that kind of person," Musashi shook his head, Aoyou went to the moon.

"Rubbish, of course I know, but emotions don't bow to will, especially when it comes to Arths. You don't understand: I dared not have an extended look when we were on the moon. Arths is a goddess, not someone ordinary people like us can approach. You can admire her from a distance, but getting close would spell disaster. This comes from my experience!" Marlon stated.

Musashi was a bit dumbfounded. If it was Arths, there was no room for argument. He had to admit her charm. If she could only sing, he wouldn't have minded, for there were tone-deaf people who couldn't grasp her style, and beauty was in the eye of the beholder. But the moment Arths puts on her military uniform and gets serious, Musashi felt like nothing in the world could stop her.

"It shouldn't be the case."