Chapter 326: Destroying Kepler_1

The big screen displayed the view from sixteen teams, all facing the same challenge. The decisions and command strategies they make now are pivotal.

Not long after entering Cygnus, the fleet encountered a drifting asteroid belt. Some chose to detour, others used firepower to clear a path. The first three teams chose to bypass, although time was pressing, careless haste would consume the fleet's energy and ammunition on asteroid destruction with unpredictable outcomes.

Even though it was just a competition, commanding a massive fleet still instilled a heroic feeling. Every department was on high alert. This was the world of the fleet commander, a supreme presence in interstellar voyages—the commander's orders were the ultimate law.

Dan, the commander of the Galaxy Team, wore a stern face. "Everyone, on high alert. This competition is unlike the past ones. There's bound to be a surprise in the end."