Chapter 334: Too Many Fan Boys to Stand Against_1

"Cough cough, this is a bit too flattering to us, can we handle it?" Huo Ying asked without much confidence, feeling tremendous pressure even with his flamboyant personality.

"As long as our second brother wants to do something, there's nothing he can't do," Cheng Konghai proclaimed confidently, seeming eager to get started..

"Here, Ant, you said this, I didn't!" Li Hao felt like he was being pushed onto a tight spot, "Brothers, sisters, this is a competition, it's all about participation. Even if we don't succeed this time, there's always a next time. Don't put undue pressure and restraints on yourselves, it's part of life."

Everyone laughed, noting how grounded Li Hao seemed, his head not inflated by the flatteries of public opinion.