Chapter 335: Deploying Soldiers to Attack Strategies_2

It's so inconceivable. The timelines don't match at all. Besides, the champion of the S Tournament, who made the solar system his stage, is even older than Maxis. All people saw respect in Bastar's interview...

Was it just because of Puppet's winning streak in the EMP???

Or was it a show prepared by the tournament organizers???

Fortunately, the Moon remained calm. The three major teams caught in the whirlwind of public opinion, the Galaxy, Eternity, and Sea Dragon, all expressed their expectations for the S Tournament. They have many old friends, powerful opponents, but they are all ready. Their goal is only one - the S Tournament championship.

Everyone was as composed as the people of Moon. Even when it came to their three-peat, all major teams maintained modesty and rationality. Of course, they also showed confidence and desire. On the Moon, there are so many honors. To stand out, one must create greater glory. Currently, all major teams have a chance.