Chapter 375: Artist_1

Same situation for Gruu, under the rule of North Carolina and the Knights of the Round Table, the two teams are both in unfavorable circumstances, but now one of them will proceed to the top eight.

Desiring to move forward, Gruu, led by the brothers Loma Quincy and Dilaqinzo.

Both sides probably have studied each other's videos and data upside down, the official battle starts.

Sky Star and Cloud Fire start their battle, the skirmish between Feynman and Sakosai, an importance skirmish, both sides are striving, everyone on the scene is cheering for Sky Star giant martial art, the Lunar audience really hopes Sky Star can create another miracle, but the cheers of Arhts and home advantage didn't bring good fortune to Sky Star giant martial arts, Feynman lost to Sakosai in the hard-battle, Ghost Martial Sect's warrior persisted till the end. Originally, their overall strength was slightly weaker. Now Sky Star Giant Martial Arts has fallen into a completely passive position.