Gravity Training Ground


Sikou Nanbo was a little surprised to see how easily Su Hei could withstand the weight of the training suit.

"Was his combat strength test result 59,000 yesterday?" he asked nonchalantly.

Behind him, an instructor quickly nodded in response. "Yes."

Sikou Nanbo took a deep breath. There was a meaningful look in his eyes.

"Usually, martial artists can only withstand one-tenth of their combat strength for a long time."

"This martial artist is wearing a 10,000-pound training suit, but he seems so relaxed. There are only two possibilities for that."

"Firstly, he held back during the combat strength test yesterday. He did not reveal his real strength."

"Or perhaps, after the test, his strength increased rapidly and he got a breakthrough to become a beginner-level Grandmaster."

The other five instructors were frozen in disbelief.

"That's impossible. How can his combat strength increase from 59,000 to 100,000 overnight? This is unprecedented!"

"Exactly. If he managed to do this, the Quilton base… No, the entire human race will welcome the dawn of victory!"

"But the probability of such a thing happening… is really rare."

Sikou Nanbo nodded as he listened to the other instructors' input.

"So I think most probably, Su Hei held back his actual strength on purpose."

"No matter what, it's a fact that he's a Grandmaster. An 18-year-old Grandmaster! There's hope for the Quilton base!"

When he said that, Sikou Nanbo's usual solemn face glowed with some suppressed excitement.

When they saw that, the other five instructors exchanged surprised glances with one another.

It was rare for the chief instructor to have such an excited look on his face.

It seemed like that kid might really be the hope of the Quilton base.


"Leader Su can easily do something that even the four leaders can't."

"As expected, Leader Su is the strongest."

"That's for sure. Otherwise, how could he become the leader of the first team?"

"Indeed. After hearing what you said, I finally understand that leaders are put in charge of teams according to their combat strength. Su Hei is the leader of Team One, Li Burou is the leader of Team 2, Bai Tiantian's in charge of Team 3, Zhang Xiaofan is in Team 4, and lastly, Cao Guangning is in Team 5."

"You've only realized that now? You're so slow-witted!"

As the recruits were speaking in hushed whispers among themselves, Sikou Nanbo and the other five instructors walked over.

Sikou Nanbo's sharp gaze swept across everyone before landing on the team leaders apart from Su Hei.

"From now onward, the four of you will step down from your role as section leader. You will temporarily be the acting leaders of your respective teams."

"Within a week, those who can wear a 10,000-pound training suit while participating in daily training will be reinstated as section leaders. Those who can't do that will be deemed as ineligible to hold a leadership position."

Su Hei felt that this decision was a little ruthless.

But at the same time, he admired Sikou Nanbo's swiftness and decisiveness.

Li Burou, Bai Tiantian, and the other two section leaders were the geniuses of the current of recruits. Naturally, their training had to be even harsher than other recruits. The harsh training would help them increase their strength.

Everyone understood the reason behind Sikou Nanbo's decision. However, there was someone who was empty-headed.

Cao Guangning panicked when he heard that his leadership role had been taken from him.

Mostly out of reflex, he shouted at Sikou Nanbo.

"What right do you have to do that?"

"During the recruitment examination, the commander had promised us that those who have obtained the assessment token will be immediately promoted to section leader. That was a rule set down by the commander. Why should it be canceled just because you say so? I object!"

All chatter immediately ceased.

Everyone stared at Cao Guangning in horror.

Before martial artists became official members of the City Defense Team, they had to undergo the chief instructor's training.

In other words, everyone in the Quilton survival base's City Defense Team had been Sikou Nanbo's student. Even the commander, Xun Chengwu, was no exception.

Nobody expected Cao Guangning to dare speak to the chief instructor in such a rude and disrespectful manner. All of them thought that he was a fool.

The moment the words left his mouth, Cao Guangning knew he was in big trouble.

"How can I say such a thing? I'm the world's biggest fool!" he berated himself inwardly.

"I am a mature person, and I'm usually able to keep my cool. How did things turn out like this?"

"This is all Su Hei's fault!"

If it was not because of Su Hei, he would not have lost his cool. Moreover, he would not have spoken without thinking.

Everything was Su Hei's fault!

Now Cao Guangning's hatred for Su Hei multiplied by several folds.

He slowly looked up at Sikou Nanbo, wanting to see his reaction.

However, he realized that the chief instructor was not there any longer. There were only five instructors staring at him intently.

Cao Guangning heaved a sigh of relief. He felt a little awkward and smiled apologetically at them.

One of the instructors ignored Cao Guangning and started to shout.

"We will focus on gravity training today!"

"Later, I want all of you to split into your teams and follow us to the designated training ground!"

After saying that, all five instructors walked toward their respective teams.

Su Hei returned to the front of the first team and was about to talk to Wang Dong, Li Hua, and the others.

A voice suddenly rang out behind him.

"Leader Su."

Su Hei turned around and saw that it was the instructor who had given them the order earlier.

He was 1.8 meters tall and looked exceptionally handsome in his combat uniform.

"However, he's not as handsome as me."

Su Hei thought to himself.

"Hello, Instructor!" he greeted.

"I'm Fang Dongjin. You may call me 'Instructor Fang'," introduced the instructor.

Fang Dongjin smiled with a smile that reached his eyes.

He knew that the youth in front of him might be a Grandmaster.

He was extremely astonished.

"Instructor Fang, where will we be training?" asked Su Hei.

Su Hei wanted to avoid unnecessary chit-chat. He was only curious as to why they decided not to use this training ground and insisted on the recruits heading to a designated training ground.

"Just follow me with your team."

Fang Dongjin wanted to do some bonding with him and chat for a bit.

However, he sensed that Su Hei was in a hurry to get to the training ground. Hence, he changed the topic and turned to lead the way there.

With Su Hei in the lead, everyone walked along the city wall for nearly half an hour before they arrived in front of a square-shaped building that was the size of a workshop factory.

"This is our high-tech training ground, the gravity training ground."

Fang Dongjin took the lead, Su Hei followed behind, and the others followed closely behind.

As soon as they entered the gravity training ground, many people in the team grunted from the powerful pressure wave that had washed over them.

Some people even started to tremble, and their legs gave way under them and they fell.

"The gravity here is different from the outside world," remarked Su Hei.

Su Hei instantly noticed the difference.

After they stepped into the training ground, the gravity inside was twice as much as outside!

"That's right."

Fang Dongjin nodded.

"This is the gravity training ground. We have changed the gravitational force field with the purpose of training the recruits. It's a simple method which will achieve the effect of increasing the martial artists' strength."

"The gravitational force of the area we're in now is double what you normally experience. That is because we want to ensure that the recruits adapt to such an environment first," he explained.

"We have split this training ground into various areas. There are different types of gravitational force here. There are two times the usual gravity, four times, six times, eight times, and even ten times. The strongest gravitational field is a hundred times the usual gravity."

"Today's mission is for you guys to stay here for eight hours. You may select which area you want."

Fang Dongjin patiently explained to Su Hei.

Su Hei looked into the depths of the training ground. The deeper he went, the faster the gravitational field changed.

He suddenly felt a sense of excitement.

If they trained here, everyone's strength would definitely undergo a rapid change!